DiscoverBadass FertilityDouble your odds of pregnancy the BFP way: Part 1
Double your odds of pregnancy the BFP way: Part 1

Double your odds of pregnancy the BFP way: Part 1

Update: 2024-05-15


When we think about getting pregnant, it’s always focused
on the physical body.  But what about the role the mind plays in the body? We forget the tremendous toll that stress, anxiety and depression play upon our nervous system. And we pay a high price for that forgetfulness. 

Women diagnosed with (my least favorite word) “infertility” experience stress, anxiety and depression levels much higher than in the mainstream population. This is cause for concern in itself.  But what
makes things worse, is that those mental states have physical repercussions that negatively impact fertility.  So,
women given this diagnosis are now at a double disadvantage because they’re already struggling, but being labeled “infertile” makes it even harder to
conceive because of the observable impact that diagnosis has on the nervous system.

It’s like a total catch 22. 

Thankfully, there’s a science backed way out of this mess, and I’m going to break it down for you on today’s podcast

This is Part One of a three part series where I’m breaking down the 3-pillars behind the BFP's 60% pregnancy rate
in our most recent cohort.

If you’re ready to hop off the hamster wheel of never-ending conception chaos and master the tools behind our incredible pregnancy rate, click HERE and join the BFP

Doors close May 21st or once it's full. Imagine, on May 22nd you could be in an entirely new, inspiring and resource rich world of badass mamas in the making. You in?

Questions? I have answers! And I loooove to chat on
IG. DM me “BFP” to get the convo going. (Find me on Instagram @BadassFertility)

References (cause, you know... science :)

The Mind Body Program for Infertility: A New
Behavioral Treatment Approach for Women with Infertility.


Impact of a group Mind/Body Intervention on
Pregnancy Rates in IVF Patients


The impact of stress on fertility treatment DOI:


(Rodney, K. L. & Domar, A.D. (2008) The
Relationship Between Stress and Infertility. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience
20(1), 41 -47)


(Roozitalab, S. et. al. The Relationship Between
Infertility, Stress and Quality of Life with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in
Infertile Women. Journal of Reproduction and Infertility, 2021 10.18502/jri.v22i4.7654)

In Channel








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Double your odds of pregnancy the BFP way: Part 1

Double your odds of pregnancy the BFP way: Part 1

Kathryn Bregman