Dr. Bilal Saib: From Podcasting To Triathlete To Happiness and Success in Life: Session 5
Welcome to Podcasts of Dentistry #POD. This is session #2. Todays Session is with the podcaster Dr. Bilal Saib of The Passionate Dentist,
This is really a special episode and I throughly enjoyed this episode with Dr. Bilal. I do my own editing and every time I heard the podcast, I smiled. So indeed it is a fun episode.
He is a not only a dentist but also a podcaster and a Triathlete. He discusses everything from podcasting, to Trump To Life. Yes, you heard it right Trump. We talk about his podcast, and why he is in hiatus doing any more podcasts, where is he focussed now and why there is change in his focus. [For someone who is not interested in the process of doing podcasting (or not) please skip to 17:35 .
He shares his tips and tricks to start exercising and remain healthy. He shares his passion for teaching and his favorite books. He also explains what does he mean by giving back to life and why is that important?
Talking about everything he opens up his secret of happiness and his secret of being successful.
This episode seems like a classic episode to understand all the little nuisances in life that I can listen to it again and again.
I hope you like this session as much as I do. Please enjoy Dr. B.