Draw draw draw! 🚢 | Find Your Creative Voice Mini-Series #2
Draw draw draw, then draw some more. PLUS we answer the brilliant question: "...my schedule is not allowing me the time I would like. Can I really find my style if my time is limited?
WELCOME to part 2 of our 5-part mini-series, all about finding your creative voice. This week we're dropping one episode a day, where we tackle that ol' chestnut: how to find your creative voice. We've answered questions and created actionable steps for each episode.
✨ Want a fillable workbook? YOU'RE IN LUCK! We've made one for you to download here.✨
p.s. The doors to our 8-week online course Find Your Creative Voice: Fly Your Freak Flag are now open. We'd love to have you sailing with us. Read all about it here.
Doors close for this live round on the 15th of September 2023 and we are STRICT. Don't miss the boat!
Come and say hello!
✏️ @thegoodshipillustration
🌏 www.thegoodshipillustration.com