E237 | Finding Sandals Church with Pastor David Chrzan
Pastor Matt sits down with Hunter Park’s Executive Pastor, David Chrzan to discuss how they met, his road to joining Sandals Church, and what participation looks like at the fastest growing campus of the Sandals Church locations.
- The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren : https://store.pastorrick.com/purpose-driven-life-book.html?cid=gald&gad_source=1&gc_id=12583162959&gclid=CjwKCAjwreW2BhBhEiwAavLwfCesh197HyZdpdYuBKpOWgRVj04eahteXHpur7iW_VNN5gJgoWGmGhoCP54QAvD_BwE&h_ad_id=513208685168
- Volunteer at Sandals Church: https://sandalschurch.com/realteam/
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