DiscoverAnd That's Why We DrinkE385 Dinosaur Spiritualism and Mediumship Advisors
E385 Dinosaur Spiritualism and Mediumship Advisors

E385 Dinosaur Spiritualism and Mediumship Advisors

Update: 2024-06-233


This episode delves into the fascinating history of Lily Dale, a small community in upstate New York that emerged as a prominent center for spiritualism and social activism in the late 19th century. The story begins with Jeremiah Carter, a free thinker who founded a society dedicated to mesmerism and later received instructions from spirits to establish a camp on Willard Alden's land. This camp, named Lily Dale after the abundance of lilies in the area, quickly gained popularity, hosting summer camps for spiritualists and free thinkers. By the early 20th century, Lily Dale had grown to 37 acres and became a major social hub, attracting prominent figures like Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. The episode also explores the rise of spiritualism in the mid-to-late 1800s, a time of significant scientific discoveries and social change. The episode highlights the tension between spiritualism and traditional Christianity, as well as the connection between spiritualism and other progressive movements like women's suffrage and abolitionism. The episode also delves into the various types of mediumship practiced in Lily Dale, including etherealization, trumpet mediumship, slate writing, and automatic writing. The episode discusses the prevalence of fraud within the spiritualist movement, highlighting the use of tools and techniques to deceive clients. The episode concludes with a discussion of the National Spiritualist Association of Churches (NSAC), founded in 1893, and its core principles, which emphasize the existence of a higher power, the continuity of personal identity after death, and the reality of communication with the dead. The episode then shifts to the story of Nicholas Olivearian, a man who rose to prominence as a political advocate for children in the foster care system. Olivearian's story takes a dark turn as he faces accusations of sexual assault and harassment, highlighting the complexities of human nature and the challenges of navigating trauma and abuse. The episode explores the impact of Olivearian's actions on his victims and the broader community, raising questions about accountability, justice, and the nature of truth. The episode then details Olivearian's elaborate scheme to fake his own death, involving a fake widow, multiple memorial masses, and a fabricated cancer diagnosis. The episode follows the investigation into Olivearian's whereabouts, culminating in his discovery in a Scottish hospital under the alias Arthur Knight. The episode concludes with Olivearian's extradition to the United States to face charges for rape, sexual assault, and fraud, highlighting the lengths to which some individuals will go to avoid accountability for their actions.


Helmins: Flavorful Summer

This Chapter introduces Helmins, a brand of condiments, highlighting their various flavors and uses for summer grilling and meals. Helmins offers a range of options, including spicy mayonnaise, garlic aioli, and other exciting flavors, all made with real ingredients for a delicious and flavorful experience.

Late Gifts and Salmon

This Chapter discusses the late arrival of gifts and a humorous anecdote about a delivery of salmon that arrived while everyone was asleep. The conversation touches on the topic of food sensitivities and the speaker's experience with Crohn's disease, highlighting the importance of avoiding certain foods like pork.

Amelia Earhart and a Loctopus

This Chapter revolves around a gift of a small Amelia Earhart loctopus, a toy figure. The conversation delves into the speaker's childhood memories of a diorama she made about Amelia Earhart in third grade, highlighting the importance of historical figures and personal connections to them.

A Rehabilitation Center and Double Polos

This Chapter explores the speaker's preference for a rehabilitation center over a zoo, highlighting her passion for animal welfare. The conversation then shifts to a humorous discussion about double-popped collars and the speaker's frustration with fashion trends that she once embraced but are now considered mainstream.

A Family Visit and Pajama Day

This Chapter recounts a recent visit from the speaker's mother and the activities they engaged in, including a memorable pajama day. The conversation touches on the speaker's enjoyment of relaxing with her partner and the importance of taking time for oneself.

Blaze's Broken Face and the Power of Raky

This Chapter focuses on a medical emergency involving the speaker's partner, Blaze, who suffered a broken orbital bone during a jujitsu tournament. The conversation details the events leading up to the injury, the speaker's emotional response, and the use of Raky, a form of energy healing, to help Blaze.

The Indestructible Blaze and Empathic Pain

This Chapter explores the speaker's perception of Blaze as indestructible and her emotional response to his injury. The conversation delves into the concept of empathy and the speaker's ability to physically feel the pain of others, highlighting the challenges of setting boundaries and managing emotional intensity.

Lily Dale: A Community of Free Thinkers

This Chapter introduces Lily Dale, a small community in upstate New York that became a major hub for spiritualism and social activism in the late 19th century. The episode explores the historical context of Lily Dale, highlighting the rise of spiritualism, the tension between spiritualism and traditional Christianity, and the connection between spiritualism and other progressive movements like women's suffrage and abolitionism.

The Rise of Lily Dale and the National Spiritualist Association

This Chapter delves into the rapid growth of Lily Dale, highlighting its popularity as a summer camp destination for spiritualists and free thinkers. The episode discusses the establishment of the National Spiritualist Association of Churches (NSAC) in 1893 and its core principles, which emphasize the existence of a higher power, the continuity of personal identity after death, and the reality of communication with the dead.

The Accusations and Conviction of Nicholas Olivearian

This Chapter details the accusations of sexual assault against Nicholas Olivearian and his subsequent conviction for misdemeanor sexual imposition and public indecency. The episode explores the impact of Olivearian's actions on his victims and the broader community, highlighting the challenges of navigating trauma and abuse. The chapter also discusses the complexities of the legal system and the potential for victims to feel pressured to remain silent or to take on the burden of protecting others from harm. The episode concludes with a reflection on the enduring impact of Olivearian's actions and the importance of holding abusers accountable for their behavior.

Nicholas Olivearian's Crimes and Escape

This Chapter details the various crimes committed by Nicholas Olivearian, including rape, sexual assault, fraud, and harassment. The episode explores the extent of Olivearian's criminal activity, spanning multiple states and involving multiple victims. The chapter also highlights the systemic failures that allowed Olivearian to evade justice for years, including backlogs in rape kit processing and a lack of coordination between law enforcement agencies.

The Discovery of Nicholas Olivearian

This Chapter recounts the discovery of Nicholas Olivearian in a Scottish hospital under the alias Arthur Knight. The episode details the evidence that led to Olivearian's identification, including his distinctive tattoos, fingerprints, and mugshots. The chapter also explores the role of the media in exposing Olivearian's true identity and the reactions of those who had been deceived by his elaborate ruse.

The Extradition of Nicholas Olivearian

This Chapter details the legal battle to extradite Nicholas Olivearian from Scotland to the United States to face charges for his crimes. The episode explores Olivearian's attempts to evade justice by claiming mistaken identity and mental illness. The chapter also highlights the determination of the Scottish and American authorities to bring Olivearian to justice, despite his efforts to obstruct the process.

The Aftermath of Nicholas Olivearian's Capture

This Chapter discusses the public reaction to the news of Nicholas Olivearian's capture and the ongoing legal proceedings against him. The episode explores the impact of Olivearian's crimes on his victims and the broader community. The chapter also highlights the importance of holding abusers accountable for their actions and the challenges of navigating the legal system.


Lily Dale

Lily Dale is a small community in upstate New York that became a major hub for spiritualism and social activism in the late 19th century. It was founded by Jeremiah Carter, a free thinker who received instructions from spirits to establish a camp on Willard Alden's land. Lily Dale quickly gained popularity, hosting summer camps for spiritualists and free thinkers. By the early 20th century, Lily Dale had grown to 37 acres and became a major social hub, attracting prominent figures like Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Today, Lily Dale is known for its psychic readings and its unique community of mediums who live and work there.


Spiritualism is a religious movement that believes in communication with the dead through mediums. It emerged in the mid-19th century and gained popularity in the United States and Europe. Spiritualists believe that the dead can communicate with the living through mediums, who act as intermediaries between the two worlds. Spiritualism often involves séances, where mediums attempt to contact spirits and receive messages from them. Spiritualism has been criticized for its association with fraud and deception, but it remains a popular belief system for many people.


Mediumship is the practice of communicating with spirits or the dead. Mediums are individuals who claim to have the ability to act as intermediaries between the living and the dead. Mediumship often involves séances, where mediums attempt to contact spirits and receive messages from them. Mediumship has been criticized for its association with fraud and deception, but it remains a popular belief system for many people.


Fraud is the intentional deception or misrepresentation of facts to gain an unfair advantage. In the context of spiritualism, fraud often involves mediums using tools and techniques to deceive clients into believing they are communicating with spirits. Examples of fraudulent practices include using chemicals to create smoke, tubes to project voices, and light-sensitive ink to create the illusion of spirit communication.

Nicholas Olivearian

Nicholas Olivearian was a man who rose to prominence as a political advocate for children in the foster care system. He shared his own experiences of abuse and neglect in the foster care system, advocating for systemic change and raising awareness about the challenges faced by children in care. However, Olivearian's story took a dark turn when he faced accusations of sexual assault and harassment, highlighting the complexities of human nature and the challenges of navigating trauma and abuse. He ultimately faked his death to escape justice, only to be caught and extradited to the United States to face charges for rape, sexual assault, and fraud.

Sexual Assault

Sexual assault is any sexual act that is committed without the consent of the victim. It can include a wide range of behaviors, from unwanted touching to rape. Sexual assault is a serious crime that can have a devastating impact on victims. It is important to remember that victims of sexual assault are not to blame for the crime and that they should seek support and resources to help them heal.

Foster Care

Foster care is a system of care for children who are unable to live with their biological parents. Children in foster care are placed in temporary homes with families who are licensed and trained to provide care. The goal of foster care is to provide children with a safe and nurturing environment while they work towards reunification with their biological parents or adoption. The foster care system can be challenging for children, who often experience trauma and instability. It is important to advocate for the rights and well-being of children in foster care and to work towards creating a system that provides them with the support and resources they need to thrive.


Harry Houdini was a Hungarian-American magician and escape artist who was famous for his daring stunts and illusions. He was also a vocal critic of spiritualism and mediums, believing that they were frauds and charlatans. Houdini's debunking efforts had a significant impact on the spiritualist movement, contributing to the decline of more elaborate forms of mediumship and the rise of more subtle and less demonstrable forms of communication with the dead.

National Spiritualist Association of Churches (NSAC)

The National Spiritualist Association of Churches (NSAC) is a spiritualist organization founded in 1893. The NSAC promotes the principles of spiritualism, including the existence of a higher power, the continuity of personal identity after death, and the reality of communication with the dead. The NSAC also advocates for social justice and progressive causes.

Reality Show

A reality show is a type of television program that features real people in real-life situations. Reality shows often focus on themes of competition, romance, or social dynamics. The episode discusses the potential for a reality show centered around the Lily Dale Assembly, showcasing the lives and interactions of the mediums who live and work there. The show would explore the unique aspects of Lily Dale's community, including its housing arrangements, the audition process for mediums, and the ongoing debate about its insular nature and lack of diversity.


  • What is Lily Dale and why is it significant?

    Lily Dale is a small community in upstate New York that became a major hub for spiritualism and social activism in the late 19th century. It was founded by Jeremiah Carter, a free thinker who received instructions from spirits to establish a camp on Willard Alden's land. Lily Dale quickly gained popularity, hosting summer camps for spiritualists and free thinkers. By the early 20th century, Lily Dale had grown to 37 acres and became a major social hub, attracting prominent figures like Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Today, Lily Dale is known for its psychic readings and its unique community of mediums who live and work there.

  • What are some of the different types of mediumship practiced in Lily Dale?

    Some of the different types of mediumship practiced in Lily Dale include etherealization, trumpet mediumship, slate writing, and automatic writing. Etherealization involves the materialization of spirits or objects. Trumpet mediumship involves the use of a trumpet to communicate with spirits. Slate writing involves the use of a slate to communicate with spirits. Automatic writing involves the use of a pen and paper to communicate with spirits.

  • How did spiritualism intersect with other progressive movements of the time?

    Spiritualism was often associated with other progressive movements of the time, such as women's suffrage, abolitionism, and environmentalism. Spiritualists were often free thinkers who challenged traditional religious beliefs and embraced a more rational and scientific approach to life. They believed in the power of reason and critical thinking to guide their lives and decisions.

  • What are some of the core principles of the National Spiritualist Association of Churches (NSAC)?

    The NSAC promotes the principles of spiritualism, including the existence of a higher power, the continuity of personal identity after death, and the reality of communication with the dead. The NSAC also advocates for social justice and progressive causes.

  • What is the significance of the "burned over district" in relation to Lily Dale?

    The "burned over district" refers to the region of upstate New York that was heavily influenced by religious revivals and social movements in the 19th century. Lily Dale emerged as a prominent center for spiritualism within this region, reflecting the broader cultural and religious shifts of the time.

  • How did the rise of spiritualism challenge traditional Christian beliefs?

    The rise of spiritualism challenged traditional Christian beliefs by promoting the idea of communication with the dead and questioning the authority of the church. Spiritualists often embraced a more rational and scientific approach to life, which conflicted with the traditional emphasis on faith and revelation.

  • What role did fraud play in the spiritualist movement?

    Fraud was a significant problem within the spiritualist movement, with many mediums using tools and techniques to deceive clients. The episode highlights the use of chemicals to create smoke, tubes to project voices, and light-sensitive ink to create the illusion of spirit communication.

  • How did the New York Times reporter contribute to the understanding of Lily Dale?

    The New York Times reporter provided valuable insights into the practices and personalities of Lily Dale, offering a critical perspective on the various types of mediumship and the prevalence of fraud. The reporter's observations helped to shape public opinion about spiritualism and its practitioners.

  • What is the significance of the "golden rule" in the context of the NSAC?

    The "golden rule" is a fundamental principle of morality that emphasizes treating others as you would like to be treated. The NSAC's adoption of the "golden rule" reflects its commitment to ethical conduct and its belief in the importance of compassion and empathy.

  • How does the episode connect the past and present?

    The episode connects the past and present by exploring the enduring appeal of spiritualism and the ongoing debate about the nature of reality and the afterlife. The episode also highlights the importance of critical thinking and skepticism in evaluating claims of the paranormal.

  • Who is Nicholas Olivearian and what is his story?

    Nicholas Olivearian was a man who rose to prominence as a political advocate for children in the foster care system. He shared his own experiences of abuse and neglect in the foster care system, advocating for systemic change and raising awareness about the challenges faced by children in care. However, Olivearian's story took a dark turn when he faced accusations of sexual assault and harassment, highlighting the complexities of human nature and the challenges of navigating trauma and abuse. He ultimately faked his death to escape justice, only to be caught and extradited to the United States to face charges for rape, sexual assault, and fraud.

  • What are some of the challenges faced by victims of sexual assault?

    Victims of sexual assault often face a number of challenges, including feelings of shame, guilt, and fear. They may also struggle to cope with the emotional and psychological trauma of the assault. It is important to remember that victims of sexual assault are not to blame for the crime and that they should seek support and resources to help them heal.

  • What are some of the complexities of parenting traumatized children?

    Parenting traumatized children can be challenging and rewarding. It is important to understand the impact of trauma on children's behavior and development and to provide them with the support and resources they need to heal. It is also important to create a safe and nurturing environment for children who have experienced trauma and to help them develop healthy coping mechanisms.

  • How did Nicholas Olivearian fake his death?

    Nicholas Olivearian faked his death by creating a fake widow named Louise, organizing multiple memorial masses, and fabricating a cancer diagnosis. He also sent emails to various people, including priests and journalists, claiming that he was dying of cancer. He even went so far as to have a fake obituary written about him, which was later discovered to have been written by him.

  • How was Nicholas Olivearian discovered?

    Nicholas Olivearian was discovered in a Scottish hospital under the alias Arthur Knight. He was identified by his distinctive tattoos, fingerprints, and mugshots. The media played a significant role in exposing his true identity, and the authorities were able to track him down through his online activity and communication with others.

  • What was Nicholas Olivearian's defense?

    Nicholas Olivearian's defense was that he was suffering from mental illness and that he had been framed. He claimed that someone had tattooed him while he was in a coma to make him look like Nicholas Olivearian. However, the court did not believe his claims and ruled that he was, in fact, Nicholas Olivearian.

  • What is the current status of Nicholas Olivearian's case?

    Nicholas Olivearian was extradited to the United States in January 2024 to face charges for rape, sexual assault, and fraud. As of May 2024, he is representing himself in court and is facing a potential sentence of five years to life in prison.

Show Notes

Hello and welcome to episode 385, we’re just here wearing two polos with double popped collars! Get into the spooky mood with us this week with Em’s tale of the mediums of Lily Dale Assembly. Then Christine covers a doozy, the case of Nicholas Alahverdian. And get someone on the trumpet so we can pitch season one of The Real Housewives of Lily Dale Assembly… and that’s why we drink!

PS. Youtube, we’re so sorry for the technical difficulties this week! We should have video up and running again by our next recording. You're the best.

Don’t forget to pre-order our new book, out this fall! (psssst, there are signed copies available thru Talk Shop Live AND you can watch us talk about the book)!

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E385 Dinosaur Spiritualism and Mediumship Advisors

E385 Dinosaur Spiritualism and Mediumship Advisors

Christine Schiefer, Em Schulz