E521 Bassem Youssef

E521 Bassem Youssef

Update: 2024-07-30


This podcast delves into the intricate Israel-Palestine conflict, featuring Egyptian-American comedian, political commentator, and former heart surgeon Besson Youssef as the guest. The episode begins with the host introducing the topic and outlining the importance of understanding the conflict from multiple perspectives. Besson shares his personal journey from a successful heart surgeon in Egypt to a comedian, highlighting the societal expectations and the impact of the 2011 revolution on his career. He then provides a detailed historical overview of the conflict, tracing its roots back to the 19th century and discussing key events like the Balfour Declaration, the Zionist movement, and the displacement of Palestinians. Besson criticizes the American media's coverage of the conflict, accusing it of spreading fabricated stories and propaganda to justify Israeli actions. He also discusses the influence of AIPAC, a powerful pro-Israel lobby group, on American politics and its impact on the conflict. Besson challenges the narrative that Israel is isolated and surrounded by enemies, pointing out the existence of peace treaties with Egypt, Jordan, and the UAE. He emphasizes the need for a solution to the conflict, calling for America and Britain to take responsibility for their role in creating the current situation and to work towards establishing safety for Palestinians. The episode concludes with a discussion about the importance of open dialogue, challenging dominant narratives, and recognizing the suffering of all involved. Besson emphasizes the need for a just solution that addresses the historical injustices and ensures equality for all.


Introduction and Tour Dates

The podcast begins with the host announcing upcoming tour dates in various locations, including Wallingford, Connecticut, Portland, Maine, Bangor, Maine, Monkton, Canada, Las Vegas, Nevada, and more.

Exploring the Israel-Palestine Conflict

The host introduces the episode's focus on the Israel-Palestine conflict, expressing a desire to deepen their understanding of the complex issue. They mention inviting guests from both sides to share their perspectives.

Introducing Besson Youssef

The host introduces Besson Youssef, a comedian, political commentator, writer, and former medical surgeon, as the guest for the episode. They highlight his background, his outspokenness on the Israel-Palestine conflict, and his viral appearance on Piers Morgan.

Besson's Journey from Surgeon to Comedian

Besson shares his journey from being a heart surgeon to becoming a comedian. He explains the societal expectations in the Middle East, particularly in Egypt, where becoming a doctor or engineer is highly valued. He reveals that he initially pursued medicine to fulfill his parents' expectations but later found his passion for comedy.

The Revolution and the Rise of Besson's Comedy Career

Besson describes how the 2011 revolution in Egypt sparked his interest in comedy. He started making YouTube videos satirizing the media's coverage of the revolution, which quickly gained millions of views. This led to him creating a successful show in the Middle East, despite facing censorship and threats from various regimes.

Besson's Move to America and the Challenges of Comedy in a New Culture

Besson recounts his move to America in 2014, where he faced a humbling experience as his fame from Egypt didn't translate to immediate success. He struggled with the language barrier and the different comedic sensibilities of American audiences.

Besson's Stand-Up Comedy Journey in America

Besson details his early stand-up comedy experiences in America, which were initially challenging due to his second language and the need to adapt to a new comedic style. He found success through a speaker series, where he incorporated humor into his talks, and eventually gained recognition through his viral appearance on Piers Morgan.

The Historical Context of the Israel-Palestine Conflict

Besson provides a detailed historical overview of the Israel-Palestine conflict, tracing its roots back to the 19th century. He discusses the Balfour Declaration, the Zionist movement, and the displacement of Palestinians during the establishment of Israel in 1948.

The Build-Up to October 7th and the Role of Hamas

Besson argues that the events of October 7th were a culmination of years of tension and conflict. He discusses the role of Hamas, a militant group that won elections in Gaza in 2006 but was never allowed to take power due to Israeli opposition. He also highlights the role of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu in fueling conflict by supporting Hamas.

The American Media's Role in the Conflict

Besson criticizes the American media's coverage of the conflict, particularly the use of fabricated stories and propaganda to justify Israeli actions. He cites examples of false narratives about Hamas atrocities, which were later debunked by Israeli media.

The Influence of AIPAC and the American Political System

Besson discusses the influence of AIPAC, a powerful pro-Israel lobby group, on American politics. He highlights how AIPAC's financial contributions have bought influence in Congress, leading to billions of dollars in aid to Israel at the expense of American communities.

The Myth of Israel's Isolation and the Reality of Peace Treaties

Besson challenges the narrative that Israel is surrounded by enemies, pointing out the existence of peace treaties with Egypt, Jordan, and the UAE. He argues that the focus on the threat from Hamas and Hezbollah is a tactic to justify military actions and maintain a state of perpetual conflict.

The Need for a Solution and the Role of America and Britain

Besson emphasizes the need for a solution to the conflict, calling for America and Britain to take responsibility for their role in creating the current situation and to work towards establishing safety for Palestinians. He criticizes the influence of AIPAC on American politics and argues that it undermines democratic principles.

The Disenfranchised American Citizen

The speaker, a new American citizen, expresses his disillusionment with the American political system, particularly its close ties to Israel. He feels that both political parties are beholden to the Israeli lobby and that American interests are being neglected.

The Power of Propaganda and Apathy

The speaker discusses how the media manipulates public opinion by focusing on negative narratives about Palestinians while downplaying the complexities of the situation. This creates apathy and prevents Americans from engaging with the issue.

The Tactics of Suppression and Intimidation

The speaker highlights the tactics used to silence dissent and criticism of Israel. He describes how any attempt to raise concerns is met with accusations of anti-Semitism, effectively shutting down conversations and preventing people from asking critical questions.

The Paradox of Freedom of Expression

The speaker questions the supposed freedom of expression in America, pointing out the existence of red lines that prevent open discussion about certain topics, particularly Israel. He feels that this contradicts the core values of the country.

The Double Standard and Hypocrisy

The speaker criticizes the double standard applied to different groups, particularly the way Muslims are often stereotyped and demonized while similar behavior from Israelis is overlooked. He calls for equal opportunity offense and a more balanced approach to discussing religion and politics.

The Consequences of Censorship and Intimidation

The speaker shares his personal experience of facing career setbacks after speaking out against Israel. He highlights the chilling effect this has on free speech and the broader implications for American society.

The Influence of Money and Lobbying

The speaker exposes the influence of money and lobbying in American politics, specifically how Jewish billionaires exert pressure on universities and other institutions to silence criticism of Israel. He argues that this undermines democratic principles and creates an uneven playing field.

The Need for Alternative Media and Institutions

The speaker suggests the need for alternative media and institutions that are not beholden to powerful lobbies. He believes that this would create a more balanced and diverse landscape for information and discourse.

Questioning the "Ally" Status of Israel

The speaker challenges the notion of Israel being America's "greatest ally," pointing out the negative consequences of this relationship. He argues that Israel has damaged America's reputation and that the financial and political support provided is not justified.

The Dark Side of the "Ally" Relationship

The speaker presents a scathing critique of Israel's actions, highlighting instances of harboring terrorists, refusing to extradite criminals, and attacking American vessels. He argues that these actions are not consistent with the behavior of a true ally.

America's Own History of Intervention and Manipulation

The speaker acknowledges America's own history of intervention and manipulation in other countries, but argues that Israel's actions are particularly egregious because it is a client state and not a superpower.

The Myth of Self-Defense and the Reality of Aggression

The speaker challenges the narrative of Israel's actions as self-defense, pointing to evidence of excessive force, destruction of civilian infrastructure, and targeting of civilians. He argues that these actions are not consistent with a legitimate defense strategy.

The Land Grab and the Displacement of Palestinians

The speaker discusses the ongoing land grab by Israel and the displacement of Palestinians. He highlights the hypocrisy of Israel claiming to need more land when it already controls a significant portion of the territory.

The Dangerous Belief in "Chosen People"

The speaker criticizes the belief in "chosen people" as a justification for Israel's actions. He argues that this belief fosters a sense of entitlement and allows for the perpetuation of injustice.

The Role of Money in American Politics and the Neglect of Palestine

The speaker explains why America does not help Palestine, highlighting the influence of money in politics and the fact that Israel is a major donor to American politicians. He argues that this financial influence trumps any moral considerations.

The Cost of the Conflict and the Need for a Different Narrative

The speaker suggests that the conflict is "expensive" for America, both financially and in terms of its reputation. He proposes alternative narratives that acknowledge the complexities of the situation and move away from simplistic and biased portrayals.

The Suppression of Free Speech and the Disillusionment of a New Citizen

The speaker expresses his disappointment with the limitations on free speech in America, particularly regarding Israel. He feels that this contradicts the promise of freedom that drew him to the country.

Navigating Friendship and Disagreement

The speaker discusses the challenges of navigating friendships with Jewish people who disagree with his views on Israel. He emphasizes that not all Jewish people support Israel's actions and that there is a diversity of opinion within the Jewish community.

The Importance of Open Dialogue and Challenging Narratives

The speaker reflects on the importance of open dialogue and challenging dominant narratives. He believes that the current situation in Palestine is deeply unjust and that Americans need to be more critical of the information they are presented with.

The Dehumanization of Palestinians and the Need for Empathy

The speaker criticizes the dehumanization of Palestinians, highlighting how they are often portrayed as terrorists and less than human. He emphasizes the importance of seeing Palestinians as individuals and recognizing their suffering.

The Global Impact of the Conflict and the Need for a Human-Centered Approach

The speaker acknowledges that the conflict has a global impact and that Palestinians are facing oppression from multiple actors. He calls for a human-centered approach that recognizes the suffering of all involved.

The Unfairness of the Situation and the Need for a Just Solution

The speaker highlights the unfairness of the situation, where Jewish people from around the world can claim Palestinian land while Palestinians themselves are denied basic rights. He calls for a just solution that addresses the historical injustices and ensures equality for all.

The Absurdity of the Current Situation and the Need for a Real Authority

The speaker criticizes the lack of real authority for Palestinians, highlighting how they are unable to control their own land or prevent the influx of foreign settlers. He calls for a genuine Palestinian authority that can protect their rights and interests.

The Solution: Ending the Occupation and Recognizing Palestinian Rights

The speaker emphasizes that the solution to the conflict lies in ending the occupation and recognizing Palestinian rights. He believes that this is the only way to achieve a just and lasting peace.

The Need for American Leadership in a Just Solution

The speaker calls for American leadership in finding a just solution to the conflict. He believes that America has a responsibility to use its influence to promote peace and justice in the region.

The Lack of Negotiation and the Need for a Fair Game

The speaker highlights the lack of negotiation and the absence of a fair playing field in the conflict. He argues that Israel has not engaged in meaningful negotiations for decades and that the current situation is unsustainable.

Recognizing Individuality and Rejecting Stereotypes

The speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing individuals and rejecting stereotypes. He acknowledges the positive qualities of Jewish people while condemning the actions of those who use religion to justify oppression.

The Abuse of Religion for Political Gain

The speaker criticizes the use of religion for political gain, highlighting how groups like ISIS and Israel have used religious rhetoric to justify their actions. He emphasizes that criticizing Zionism is not anti-Semitism and that freedom of expression should be upheld.

The Emotional Nature of the Conflict and the Importance of Open Dialogue

The speaker acknowledges the emotional nature of the conflict and the difficulty of having open dialogue. He encourages people to listen to different perspectives and to engage in respectful debate.

The Need for Equality and the Lasting Impact of the Conflict

The speaker emphasizes the need for equality and the lasting impact of the conflict. He believes that the current situation has created deep wounds that will take decades to heal.

The Cost of American Involvement and the Need for a Different Path

The speaker expresses his opposition to American involvement in the conflict, arguing that it is costly in terms of human life, taxpayer money, and America's reputation. He calls for a different path that prioritizes peace and diplomacy.

The Absurdity of the Conflict and the Need for a Human-Centered Approach

The speaker uses humor to highlight the absurdity of the conflict, suggesting that circumcision is the only sport where Israel and Palestine compete. He emphasizes the need for a human-centered approach that recognizes the suffering of all involved.

The Human Cost of the Conflict and the Need for Accountability

The speaker describes the devastating human cost of the conflict, highlighting the physical and psychological trauma inflicted on both sides. He calls for accountability and an end to the violence.

The Deliberate Destruction and the Need for a Just Peace

The speaker criticizes Israel's deliberate destruction of Palestinian infrastructure and the targeting of civilians. He emphasizes the need for a just peace that addresses the root causes of the conflict.

The Annihilation of Palestinian Lives and the Need for a Stop

The speaker condemns the ongoing violence and destruction in Gaza, calling it "annihilation." He expresses concern about the long-term consequences of the conflict and the need for a ceasefire.

The Disproportionate Response and the Need for a Balanced Narrative

The speaker highlights the disproportionate response of Israel to the October 7th attack, arguing that the military offensive has resulted in the deaths of thousands of civilians. He calls for a more balanced narrative that acknowledges the suffering of all victims.

The Need for Open Dialogue and the Importance of Asking Questions

The speaker emphasizes the importance of asking questions and challenging the status quo. He believes that Americans need to be more critical of their government's actions and to demand accountability.

The Loss of American Freedoms and the Importance of Speaking Up

The speaker expresses concern about the loss of American freedoms, particularly the fear of speaking out against powerful interests. He encourages people to exercise their right to free speech and to challenge the status quo.

Supporting Jewish Friends While Criticizing Zionism

The speaker discusses the challenges of supporting Jewish friends who disagree with his views on Israel. He emphasizes that Zionism is a political ideology and that criticizing it does not equate to anti-Semitism.

The Reality of Palestinian Displacement and the Need for a Just Solution

The speaker addresses the reality of Palestinian displacement and the need for a just solution. He argues that the current situation is unsustainable and that a two-state solution is necessary.

The Global Palestinian Diaspora and the Need for Recognition

The speaker discusses the global Palestinian diaspora and the need for recognition of their plight. He emphasizes that Palestinians are not just a remote issue but a global concern.

The Importance of American Engagement and the Impact of the Conflict

The speaker argues that Americans should care about the conflict because it affects their government, democracy, and way of life. He believes that the conflict has a direct impact on American politics and foreign policy.

The Role of Weaponry and the Need for a More Peaceful World

The speaker acknowledges the complex relationship between weaponry and global security but argues that America's role in facilitating war and violence is problematic. He calls for a more peaceful world where diplomacy and cooperation are prioritized.

Challenging Complacency and Demanding Change

The speaker challenges complacency and calls for action. He believes that the current situation is unjust and that Americans need to demand change.

The Power of Curiosity and the Importance of Forming Your Own Opinion

The speaker encourages listeners to be curious and to form their own opinions. He believes that critical thinking and open dialogue are essential for a healthy democracy.

The Importance of Open Dialogue and the Power of Laughter

The speaker emphasizes the importance of open dialogue and the power of laughter. He believes that humor can be a powerful tool for challenging injustice and promoting understanding.


Besson Youssef

Besson Youssef is an Egyptian-American comedian, political commentator, writer, and former heart surgeon. He is known for his outspoken views on the Israel-Palestine conflict and his viral appearance on Piers Morgan.

Israel-Palestine Conflict

A complex and long-standing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian people, rooted in competing claims to the same land. It involves issues of territorial disputes, political rights, and historical grievances.


A Palestinian Islamic militant group that controls the Gaza Strip. It has been involved in armed conflict with Israel and has been accused of human rights abuses.

Balfour Declaration

A public statement issued by the British government in 1917, announcing its support for the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine. It is considered a key document in the history of the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Zionist Movement

A political movement advocating for the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine. It gained momentum in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, leading to the creation of Israel in 1948.


The American Israel Public Affairs Committee, a powerful pro-Israel lobby group in the United States. It is known for its significant influence on American politics and its advocacy for Israel's interests.


The control of a territory by a foreign power, often through military force. In the context of the Israel-Palestine conflict, it refers to Israel's control over the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Two-State Solution

A proposed solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that would create two independent states, one for Israel and one for Palestine. It has been the subject of much debate and has faced significant obstacles.


  • What was Besson Youssef's background before he became a comedian?

    Besson was a heart surgeon in Egypt. He pursued medicine to fulfill his parents' expectations but later discovered his passion for comedy.

  • How did the 2011 revolution in Egypt influence Besson's career?

    The revolution inspired Besson to start making satirical YouTube videos about the media's coverage, which quickly gained popularity and led to him creating a successful show in the Middle East.

  • What are some of the key historical events that have shaped the Israel-Palestine conflict?

    Key events include the Balfour Declaration, the Zionist movement, the establishment of Israel in 1948, and the displacement of Palestinians.

  • What is the role of Hamas in the conflict?

    Hamas is a Palestinian militant group that controls the Gaza Strip. It has been involved in armed conflict with Israel and has been accused of human rights abuses.

  • How does AIPAC influence American politics?

    AIPAC is a powerful pro-Israel lobby group that uses financial contributions to buy influence in Congress, leading to billions of dollars in aid to Israel.

  • What is Besson's perspective on the American media's coverage of the conflict?

    Besson criticizes the American media for spreading fabricated stories and propaganda to justify Israeli actions, often using false narratives about Hamas atrocities.

  • What is Besson's view on the future of the Israel-Palestine conflict?

    Besson believes that the conflict can only be resolved by addressing the issue of occupation and by holding America and Britain accountable for their role in creating the current situation. He calls for a more just and equitable solution that prioritizes the safety and well-being of Palestinians.

  • Why does the speaker feel disillusioned with the American political system?

    The speaker feels disillusioned because he believes that both major political parties are beholden to the Israeli lobby and that American interests are being neglected in favor of Israel's.

  • How does the speaker describe the tactics used to silence criticism of Israel?

    The speaker describes how any attempt to raise concerns about Israel is met with accusations of anti-Semitism, effectively shutting down conversations and preventing people from asking critical questions.

  • What does the speaker believe is the solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?

    The speaker believes that the solution lies in ending the occupation and recognizing Palestinian rights. He argues that this is the only way to achieve a just and lasting peace.

  • How does the speaker feel about America's role in the conflict?

    The speaker is critical of America's involvement in the conflict, arguing that it is costly in terms of human life, taxpayer money, and America's reputation. He calls for a different path that prioritizes peace and diplomacy.

  • What does the speaker believe is the importance of open dialogue and challenging narratives?

    The speaker believes that open dialogue and challenging dominant narratives are essential for a healthy democracy. He encourages people to be critical of the information they are presented with and to form their own opinions.

Show Notes

The conflict in Gaza is heartbreaking, so we decided to have different perspectives on to help us learn more. For the Palestinian perspective we welcome Bassem Youssef.

Bassem Youssef is a comedian, author and political commentator from Egypt who now lives in the United States.

Bassem joins Theo to help us understand how Hamas came to be, that Palestine is being occupied, and to share his ideas for solution.

Bassem Youssef: https://www.instagram.com/bassem/ 


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Music: “Shine” by Bishop Gunn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3A_coTcUek


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Producer: Zach https://www.instagram.com/zachdpowers

Producer: Nick https://www.instagram.com/realnickdavis/

Producer: Colin https://instagram.com/colin_reiner

Producer: Cam https://www.instagram.com/cam__george/ 

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E521 Bassem Youssef

E521 Bassem Youssef

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