E532 Dr. Tara Swart

E532 Dr. Tara Swart

Update: 2024-09-191


This podcast features Dr. Tara Swart, a neuroscientist, author, and advisor specializing in peak mental performance. She delves into various aspects of brain health, relationships, and personal growth, drawing on her expertise and personal experiences. The podcast begins with a discussion on the importance of sleep for brain health, emphasizing the benefits of sleeping on your side for optimal brain cleansing. Dr. Swart then explores the pervasive nature of stress in modern society, highlighting its negative impact on both mental and physical well-being. She discusses the pandemic's profound impact on mental health, emphasizing the increased levels of stress, anxiety, and loneliness. Dr. Swart then delves into the concept of burnout, providing practical tips for managing stress and resetting the nervous system. She discusses the role of medication and alternative therapies, emphasizing the importance of building a supportive community and creating a safe environment. The podcast also explores the impact of childhood trauma on brain development and relationships, highlighting the importance of recognizing and challenging negative beliefs. Dr. Swart introduces the concept of somatic therapy, which addresses trauma stored in the body, and emphasizes the potential for generational healing. She then discusses the different types of stress and gender differences in response, exploring the evolution of stress and the impact of relationships on stress levels. Dr. Swart delves into the hormonal dynamics of love and commitment, discussing the challenges of modern dating and the impact of pornography on relationships. The podcast concludes with a discussion on the brain chemistry of healthy relationships, the importance of shared microbiome, and the challenges of finding love in modern society. Dr. Swart emphasizes the impact of faith and spirituality on brain health, the challenges faced by powerful and successful individuals, and the importance of sleep, diet, and exercise for optimal brain function. Throughout the podcast, Dr. Swart shares her personal experiences and insights, offering practical advice and strategies for improving brain health, strengthening relationships, and achieving personal growth.


Understanding Brain Health and Peak Mental Performance

This chapter introduces Dr. Tara Swart, a neuroscientist, author, and advisor specializing in peak mental performance. She discusses her expertise and the importance of understanding brain health for overall well-being.

Optimizing Sleep for Brain Health

Dr. Swart discusses the optimal sleep position for brain health, emphasizing the benefits of sleeping on your side. She explains how this position aids in the brain's overnight cleansing process, promoting waste removal and overall well-being.

The Impact of Stress on Mental and Physical Health

Dr. Swart delves into the pervasive nature of stress in modern society, particularly in the United States. She highlights the link between chronic stress and elevated cortisol levels, which can lead to a state of survival mode and negatively impact both mental and physical health.

The Pandemic's Impact on Mental Health and Social Connection

Dr. Swart discusses the profound impact of the pandemic on mental health, emphasizing the increased levels of stress, anxiety, and loneliness. She attributes this to the shrinking of social circles and the polarization of genders, leading to a sense of disconnection and isolation.

Recognizing and Addressing Burnout

Dr. Swart explores the signs of burnout, emphasizing the importance of self-awareness and recognizing early warning signs. She suggests journaling as a tool for self-reflection and provides practical tips for managing stress, such as talking to a friend, taking a nap, or going for a walk.

Resetting Your Nervous System

Dr. Swart introduces the concept of resetting the nervous system, explaining the two modes of operation: fight-or-flight and rest-and-digest. She emphasizes the importance of shifting towards the restful state and shares strategies like breathing exercises and spending time in nature.

The Role of Medication and Alternative Therapies

Dr. Swart discusses the role of medication in managing stress, emphasizing that it should be considered a last resort. She highlights the cultural differences in medication use between the UK and the US and shares her personal preference for alternative therapies like calming teas.

The Importance of Community and Building a Safe Environment

Dr. Swart explores the impact of societal changes on individual well-being, particularly the loss of a sense of purpose and belonging. She emphasizes the importance of building a supportive community and creating a safe environment for oneself, drawing on her own experiences and the concept of neuroplasticity.

Childhood Trauma and Its Impact on Brain Development

Dr. Swart shares her personal experience with childhood neglect and its impact on her emotional development. She introduces the concept of psychosocial stages of childhood development and explains how early experiences can shape an individual's sense of trust and safety.

Neuroplasticity and the Power of Brain Change

Dr. Swart discusses the concept of neuroplasticity, highlighting the brain's ability to grow and change throughout life. She emphasizes that it's never too late to rewire negative thought patterns and beliefs, offering hope for personal transformation and growth.

Identifying and Challenging Negative Beliefs

Dr. Swart explores the process of identifying and challenging negative beliefs that can hold individuals back. She emphasizes the importance of understanding the underlying beliefs that drive negative thoughts and suggests creating affirmations to counter those beliefs.

The Role of the Amygdala in Fear and Emotional Regulation

Dr. Swart discusses the amygdala, a part of the brain responsible for processing emotions, particularly fear. She explains how individuals with reduced amygdala activity may exhibit a lack of fear, using the example of a free solo climber. She also highlights the link between amygdala damage and neglectful parenting in primates.

The Impact of Childhood Trauma on Relationships

Dr. Swart explores the impact of childhood trauma on romantic relationships, drawing on her own experiences. She describes how early neglect can lead to difficulties with intimacy, fear of rejection, and unhealthy relationship patterns.

The Role of Oxytocin in Emotional Bonding

Dr. Swart discusses the role of oxytocin, a hormone associated with bonding and affection. She explains how early lack of eye contact and physical affection can hinder the development of healthy emotional architecture in the brain. She also suggests activities like bathing and massage as ways to increase oxytocin levels.

Somatic Therapy and Trauma Stored in the Body

Dr. Swart introduces the concept of somatic therapy, which addresses trauma stored in the body. She highlights the limitations of traditional talk therapy and emphasizes the importance of releasing suppressed emotions through physical practices like body realignment and boxing.

The Psychosomatic Connection and Generational Healing

Dr. Swart explores the psychosomatic connection, explaining how emotions can manifest as physical symptoms. She emphasizes the potential for generational healing, suggesting that individuals can access ancestral wisdom and engage in physical activities like dancing, drumming, and chanting to release stored trauma.

The Different Types of Stress and Gender Differences in Response

Dr. Swart differentiates between adaptive stress and chronic stress, explaining how men and women respond differently to these stressors. She highlights men's tendency to react strongly to crises and women's ability to maintain resilience during prolonged periods of stress.

The Evolution of Stress and Internalized Fears

Dr. Swart discusses the evolution of stress, suggesting that modern society's biggest threats are psychological rather than physical. She explores the idea that internalized fears have replaced external threats, leading to a shift in how we experience and manage stress.

The Impact of Relationships on Stress and the Challenges of Modern Dating

Dr. Swart examines the impact of relationships on stress levels, emphasizing the importance of healthy, interdependent partnerships. She highlights the challenges of modern dating, particularly the prevalence of casual relationships and the difficulty of finding commitment in a society that values short-term gratification.

The Hormonal Dynamics of Love and Commitment

Dr. Swart delves into the hormonal dynamics of love and commitment, explaining how oxytocin, dopamine, testosterone, and vasopressin play a role in bonding and attraction. She suggests that delaying sexual intimacy can increase the likelihood of a man bonding with a woman.

Overcoming Pornography Addiction and Reclaiming Intimacy

Dr. Swart shares her personal journey with pornography addiction and her recent success in abstaining. She describes the impact of pornography on her sense of masculinity and intimacy and highlights the importance of accountability and support in overcoming addiction.

The Impact of Pornography on Relationships and Imagination

Dr. Swart discusses the negative impact of pornography on relationships, particularly the unrealistic expectations it creates. She also explores the effect of pornography on imagination, suggesting that it can stifle creativity and hinder the ability to form genuine connections.

The Brain Chemistry of Unrequited Love and Addiction

Dr. Swart explains the brain chemistry of unrequited love and how it can lead to addictive behaviors like alcohol, cocaine, and pornography use. She highlights the similarities in the chemical cocktails produced by these substances and the need for healthy coping mechanisms.

The Brain Chemistry of Healthy Relationships and Family Dynamics

Dr. Swart explores the brain chemistry of healthy relationships, focusing on the role of oxytocin in bonding and the benefits of co-sleeping. She discusses research on prairie voles, highlighting the importance of shared experiences and physical intimacy in strengthening relationships.

The Importance of Shared Microbiome and Animal Bonding

Dr. Swart discusses the importance of shared microbiome in strengthening relationships, explaining how close physical contact can transfer beneficial bacteria. She also explores the concept of animal bonding, highlighting the role of oxytocin in fostering connections between humans and animals.

The Challenges of Finding Love in Modern Society

Dr. Swart explores the challenges of finding love in modern society, attributing it to increased life expectancy, high divorce rates, and the influence of technology on attention spans and relationship expectations.

The Impact of Faith and Spirituality on Brain Health

Dr. Swart discusses the impact of faith and spirituality on brain health, emphasizing the benefits of moderate faith. She cautions against the negative effects of fundamentalism, which can lead to paranoia, mistrust, and unhealthy emotional states.

The Challenges Faced by Powerful and Successful People

Dr. Swart discusses the challenges faced by powerful and successful individuals, emphasizing that their struggles are often similar to those of ordinary people. She highlights the impact of stress, sleep deprivation, and unhealthy eating habits on brain health.

The Brain's Cleansing Process During Sleep

Dr. Swart explains the importance of sleep for brain health, emphasizing the brain's cleansing process during sleep. She highlights the role of sleep in removing toxins and preventing neurodegenerative diseases like dementia and Alzheimer's.

The Negative Impact of Ultra-Processed Foods on Brain Health

Dr. Swart discusses the negative impact of ultra-processed foods on brain health, emphasizing the role of inflammation. She explains how these foods can disrupt the gut-brain connection and contribute to chronic stress and inflammation.

Dietary Recommendations for Brain Health

Dr. Swart provides dietary recommendations for brain health, emphasizing the importance of consuming a variety of plant-based foods. She shares her own eating habits and highlights the brain's high energy demands.

Brain-Boosting Foods and the Power of Visualization

This chapter delves into the connection between food and brain health, emphasizing the importance of a balanced diet rich in vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats. It also introduces the concept of \"brain-boosting\" foods, such as dark-skinned fruits and vegetables, and explores the role of visualization in shaping our reality.

A Powerful Encounter and the Impact of Words

The speaker shares a deeply moving story about a woman who approached her on the street and expressed gratitude for her work, revealing how the speaker's words about food and brain health had a profound impact on her life and helped her overcome a serious eating disorder.

The Mystery of the Second Nose and its Implications

This chapter introduces the concept of the vomeronasal organ, a second nose that detects certain smells and connects to the heart, not the brain. The speaker discusses its role in pheromone detection and its potential for medical applications, including early cancer detection and pregnancy diagnosis.

The Science of Intuition and its Connection to the Gut

The speaker explores the origins of intuition and gut instincts, explaining how they are rooted in our experiences and stored in our spinal cord and gut neurons. She emphasizes the importance of honing our intuition through journaling and trusting our inner guidance.

The Hard Problem of Neuroscience and the Nature of Consciousness

This chapter delves into the philosophical debate surrounding the relationship between the brain and the mind, exploring the concept of consciousness and its origins. The speaker suggests that our brains may be filtering our consciousness, and that our minds are capable of much more than we currently understand.

Challenging Our Perspective and the Power of Visualization

The speaker discusses the concept of perspective as a filter shaped by our upbringing and experiences. She shares a powerful exercise for challenging our perspective and accessing our intuition, involving stepping outside of our current situation and offering advice to our future selves.

The Science of Manifestation and the Power of Action

This chapter explores the speaker's perspective on manifestation, emphasizing the importance of action and visualization in shaping our reality. She explains how our brains don't distinguish between real-life experiences and strong visualizations, and how this can be used to manifest our desires.

The Pandemic's Unseen Scars and the Need for Healing

The speaker discusses the lasting impact of the pandemic on mental health, highlighting the loss of self, purpose, and relationships. She also explores the challenges faced by young men in a rapidly changing world, emphasizing the need for understanding and support.

Navigating Gender Roles and Finding Harmony

This chapter delves into the complexities of gender roles and the need for a more balanced understanding of masculine and feminine energies. The speaker emphasizes the importance of respecting and valuing both genders while acknowledging the need for adaptation and evolution in a changing world.

Unleashing Your Brain's Potential and Embracing Micro-Tweaks

The speaker concludes by emphasizing the immense potential of the human brain and the importance of creating a healthy environment for it to thrive. She encourages listeners to make small, consistent changes in their daily routines, focusing on sleep, diet, hydration, exercise, and stress management.



The brain's ability to change and adapt throughout life, forming new connections and pathways in response to experiences and learning.


A hormone associated with bonding, trust, and love, often referred to as the \"cuddle hormone,\" playing a crucial role in social connection and well-being.


A part of the brain responsible for processing emotions, particularly fear. It plays a key role in survival responses and can be affected by trauma or neglect.

Somatic Therapy

A type of therapy that addresses trauma stored in the body. It focuses on releasing suppressed emotions through physical practices like body realignment, massage, or movement.

Generational Trauma

Trauma that is passed down through generations, often through family patterns or cultural experiences. It can manifest as physical, emotional, or psychological symptoms.

Ultra-Processed Foods

Foods that have been heavily processed and contain added ingredients like sugars, fats, and artificial flavors. They can contribute to inflammation, disrupt the gut-brain connection, and negatively impact brain health.

Gut Microbiome

The community of bacteria that live in the digestive tract. It plays a crucial role in digestion, immunity, and mental health. Sharing a microbiome through close physical contact can strengthen relationships and improve overall well-being.

Prairie Voles

Small rodents that are known for their monogamous relationships. Research on prairie voles has revealed the brain mechanisms underlying bonding and attachment, highlighting the importance of shared experiences and physical intimacy.

Psychosocial Stages of Childhood Development

A theory that describes the stages of emotional and social development in childhood. These stages are influenced by interactions with caregivers and can shape an individual's sense of trust, autonomy, and identity.


A relationship where both partners contribute equally and support each other's growth and well-being. It fosters a sense of security, trust, and mutual respect.


  • What is the best sleep position for brain health?

    Sleeping on your side is the best position for brain health as it aids in the overnight cleansing process, promoting waste removal and overall well-being.

  • How does stress affect our mental and physical health?

    Chronic stress elevates cortisol levels, leading to a state of survival mode that can negatively impact both mental and physical health, causing inflammation, weakened immunity, and emotional dysregulation.

  • What are some practical tips for managing stress?

    Engage in stress-reducing activities like talking to a friend, taking a nap, going for a walk, or practicing breathing exercises. It's also important to address the root causes of stress and consider a digital detox if needed.

  • How can we overcome the negative effects of childhood trauma?

    Understanding the concept of neuroplasticity and recognizing that it's never too late to rewire negative thought patterns and beliefs can be empowering. Engaging in therapy, building a supportive community, and practicing self-care can aid in healing.

  • What are some dietary recommendations for brain health?

    Consume a variety of plant-based foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats. Avoid ultra-processed foods and prioritize eating when you're truly hungry.

  • How does sleep affect our brain health?

    Sleep is essential for the brain's cleansing process, removing toxins and preventing neurodegenerative diseases. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night to support optimal brain function.

  • What is the impact of ultra-processed foods on brain health?

    Ultra-processed foods contribute to inflammation, disrupt the gut-brain connection, and can negatively impact brain health by increasing cortisol levels and promoting chronic stress.

  • What is the role of oxytocin in relationships?

    Oxytocin, the bonding hormone, plays a crucial role in forming healthy emotional attachments and promoting feelings of love and connection. It is released through physical touch, eye contact, and shared experiences.

  • How can we create healthier relationships in modern society?

    Prioritize building genuine connections, fostering interdependence, and delaying sexual intimacy to allow for deeper bonding. Be mindful of the unrealistic expectations created by technology and strive for authentic communication and mutual respect.

  • What are some brain-boosting foods that can enhance cognitive function?

    Dark-skinned fruits and vegetables, such as blueberries and purple sprouting broccoli, are rich in anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants that support neuroplasticity and brain health.

Show Notes

Dr. Tara Swart is a neuroscientist, former psychiatric doctor, and author focused on improving physical and mental performance for everyone. 

Dr. Tara Swart joins Theo to talk about how we can use neuroscience to change our behaviors for the better, easy things we all can do to reduce stress, and using new ways of thinking to overcome past trauma. 

Dr. Tara Swart: https://www.instagram.com/drtaraswart/ 

Check out her book, “The Source”: https://bit.ly/3zpkMnp 


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Valor Recovery: To learn more about Valor Recovery please visit them at www.valorrecoverycoaching.com  or email them at admin@valorrecoverycoaching.com 

Morgan & Morgan: If you’re ever injured, visit https://forthepeople.com/thispastweekend or dial Pound LAW (#529). Their fee is free unless they win.


Music: “Shine” by Bishop Gunn Bishop Gunn - Shine


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Producer: Zach https://www.instagram.com/zachdpowers

Producer: Nick https://www.instagram.com/realnickdavis/

Producer: Colin https://instagram.com/colin_reiner

Producer: Ben https://www.instagram.com/benbeckermusic/ 

Producer: Cam https://www.instagram.com/cam__george/ 

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Table of contents









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E532 Dr. Tara Swart

E532 Dr. Tara Swart

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