E538 Dr. Gabor Maté

E538 Dr. Gabor Maté

Update: 2024-10-155


This podcast features a conversation with Dr. Gabor Maté, a physician and author whose work explores the impact of trauma on individuals and society. Dr. Maté argues that trauma, particularly unprocessed emotional wounds from childhood, can have profound and lasting effects on physical and mental health. He defines trauma as an unhealed wound that can lead to inflammation in the body and various physiological and emotional problems. The conversation delves into the nature of trauma, its connection to addiction, and the importance of addressing it through connection, self-compassion, and a holistic approach to healing. Dr. Maté shares his personal journey of discovering his own trauma and how it manifested in his life, including his marriage, relationship with his children, and career. He also discusses the impact of trauma on society, including the high rates of medication use, mental health challenges, and overdoses in the United States. Dr. Maté emphasizes the importance of feeling seen and valued for who we are, not just for what others want us to be. He highlights the need for a more nurturing and supportive environment for children, recognizing the importance of emotional development and the impact of parental presence on a child's well-being. He also critiques the limitations of Western medicine in addressing the interconnectedness of the mind and body, advocating for a more holistic approach to healthcare. The podcast concludes with a reflection on the absurdity of modern civilization and the need to reconnect with our innate human values of community, generosity, and connection with nature. Dr. Maté emphasizes the importance of child honoring and emotional development, advocating for a more compassionate and supportive society that prioritizes the well-being of all individuals.


Introduction and Dr. Gabor Maté

The podcast begins with a brief introduction and introduces Dr. Gabor Maté, a physician and author whose work explores topics like stress, trauma, addiction, and developmental psychology. Dr. Maté's new book, \"The Myth of Normal,\" is discussed.

Trauma, Addiction, and Society

The conversation shifts to Donald Trump and his brother's struggles with addiction. Dr. Maté shares his perspective on Trump's potential trauma and how it might manifest in his behavior. He argues that American society is \"sick\" due to high rates of medication use, mental health challenges, and overdoses. He cites statistics to support his claim.

Defining Trauma and Unprocessed Trauma

Dr. Maté defines trauma as an unhealed wound, particularly emotional wounds from childhood, that can cause inflammation in the body and lead to various physiological and emotional problems. Unprocessed trauma refers to trauma that has not been addressed or worked through.

The Importance of Being Seen and Valued

Dr. Maté emphasizes the importance of children feeling seen and valued for who they are, not just for what their parents want them to be. He shares his own experience of struggling to see his children due to his own trauma.

The Dilemma of Childhood Wounding

Dr. Maté discusses the dilemma many face as a result of childhood wounding: having to create a version of themselves that the world will accept and value. He uses his own experience as a physician to illustrate this point.

The Toxicity of Modern Parenting

Dr. Maté argues that modern parenting practices, often driven by parental stress, are moving away from our natural instincts for nurturing children. He highlights the importance of play and freedom for children's healthy brain development.

Trauma vs. Stressful Events

Dr. Maté explains the difference between a traumatic event and a stressful event. A traumatic event leaves a permanent wound that constricts, frightens, and makes one less comfortable with themselves and the world.

Emotional Isolation and Unprocessed Trauma

Dr. Maté discusses the link between emotional isolation and unprocessed trauma. He explains how emotional isolation can be both a manifestation of trauma and a cause of stress, leading to negative impacts on physical and mental health.

The Trauma of Unprocessed Trauma

Dr. Maté explains that when a trauma is not processed, it can lead to a new trauma of unprocessed trauma. He uses the example of a child being sexually abused to illustrate how the initial trauma can create a fear of being authentic, leading to further disconnection and suffering.

Dr. Maté's Personal Trauma Journey

Dr. Maté shares his personal journey of discovering his own trauma and how it manifested in his life, including his marriage, relationship with his children, and career.

Childhood Experiences and Trauma

Dr. Maté reflects on his own childhood experiences, including his rebellious nature, bedwetting, and early separation from his mother. He connects these experiences to the trauma he endured as a Jewish infant during the Nazi occupation.

Unprocessed Trauma as a Hidden Fire

Dr. Maté uses the metaphor of a fire with no smoke to describe unprocessed trauma. He explains how trauma can be hidden and its effects may not become apparent until later in life.

The Cycle of Unhealthy Relationships

Dr. Maté discusses how unprocessed trauma can lead to unhealthy relationships. He explains that people often seek out partners who cannot meet their needs for love and acceptance, repeating the pattern of their childhood experiences.

Ayahuasca and Healing

Dr. Maté shares his experience with ayahuasca and how it helped him to experience pure love for the first time in his life. He acknowledges the potential risks of psychedelic use but emphasizes its potential for healing when used in the right context.

Addiction and Work Addiction

Dr. Maté discusses his own struggles with work addiction and how it stemmed from his childhood trauma. He explains that addiction is not just about the substance but about the pain it helps to escape.

Dopamine and Addiction

Dr. Maté explains the role of dopamine in addiction. He describes how various substances and behaviors can trigger a release of dopamine, providing a temporary sense of pleasure and reward.

Endorphins and Connection

Dr. Maté discusses the role of endorphins in addiction and connection. He explains that endorphins are our own internal opiates that provide pain relief, pleasure, and connection. He emphasizes the importance of healthy parent-child relationships for endorphin flow.

Processing Trauma Through Connection

Dr. Maté explains how processing trauma requires connection and safety. He emphasizes the importance of sharing one's suffering with others who can provide support and understanding.

Shame and Trauma

Dr. Maté discusses the link between trauma and shame. He shares his own experience of feeling ashamed of himself and his family, and how this shame stemmed from his childhood experiences.

The Origins of Shame

Dr. Maté explains that shame is not innate but is learned through experiences of not being seen or mistreated. He discusses how shame can lead to a belief that there is something wrong with oneself and a need to work hard to fix it.

Trauma and the Impact of War

Dr. Maté discusses the impact of war on children, particularly in the context of the ongoing conflict in Gaza. He highlights the psychological toll of war on children and the potential for long-term trauma.

The Lasting Effects of Trauma

Dr. Maté shares his own experience of having a startle reflex as a result of the bombing of Budapest during his infancy. He emphasizes how trauma can be literally locked into our cells and chromosomes.

Shame and Lack of Self-Compassion

Dr. Maté discusses how shame can lead to a lack of self-compassion. He shares a story of a man who blamed himself for his addiction, demonstrating the lack of understanding and compassion for his own trauma.

Recognizing the Side Effects of Childhood Trauma

Dr. Maté discusses the side effects of childhood trauma, including a tendency to get triggered, difficulty believing in love and acceptance, blaming others, and addictive behaviors.

The Tyranny of the Past

Dr. Maté explains how trauma can be the \"tyranny of the past,\" meaning that we often react to the present moment based on past experiences. He uses his own experience of being given away as an infant to illustrate how early trauma can shape our beliefs about love and acceptance.

The Importance of Not Parent-Blaming

Dr. Maté emphasizes the importance of not parent-blaming. He acknowledges that parents are often doing the best they can, even when their actions may be harmful. He highlights the importance of understanding the context of parental behavior and the impact of their own trauma.

The Impact of Parental Presence on Child Development

This chapter explores the profound impact of parental presence on a child's development. It emphasizes that the quality of a parent's presence, including their emotional attunement and calmness, directly influences the child's experience of love and security. The chapter acknowledges the challenges faced by parents in today's society, including economic insecurity and stress, and highlights the importance of understanding the multi-generational nature of trauma and abuse.

The Disconnect Between Western Medicine and Mind-Body Unity

This chapter delves into the limitations of Western medicine in addressing the interconnectedness of the mind and body. It argues that while Western science has made significant advancements, medical practice often fails to consider the impact of stress, trauma, and emotional experiences on physical health. The chapter highlights numerous studies demonstrating the physiological effects of stress and trauma, emphasizing the need for a more holistic approach to healthcare.

The Profit Motive and the Loss of Meaning in Work

This chapter examines the detrimental effects of the profit motive on human values and the sense of meaning in work. It argues that the pursuit of profit maximization often leads to job displacement and a loss of purpose for individuals. The chapter contrasts the modern work experience with the traditional indigenous approach, where work was integrated into daily life and not seen as a separate entity.

The Absurdity of Modern Civilization and the Need for Reconnection

This chapter reflects on the absurdity of modern civilization, highlighting the disconnect between our current way of life and our evolutionary history. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing what we have lost in our pursuit of progress and the need to reconnect with our innate human values of community, generosity, and connection with nature.

The Importance of Child Honoring and Emotional Development

This chapter underscores the importance of honoring children and their emotional needs. It emphasizes that emotional development begins in the womb and that a mother's stress can have a profound impact on a child's brain development. The chapter advocates for a more nurturing and supportive environment for children, recognizing the need for extended periods of care and a sense of community.



A wound, particularly an emotional wound from childhood, that can cause inflammation in the body and lead to various physiological and emotional problems.

Unprocessed Trauma

Trauma that has not been addressed or worked through, leading to ongoing suffering and negative impacts on physical and mental health.

Emotional Isolation

A state of feeling alone and disconnected from others, even when surrounded by people. It can be both a manifestation of trauma and a cause of stress.


A feeling of worthlessness or inadequacy that can stem from experiences of not being seen or mistreated. It can lead to a belief that there is something wrong with oneself and a need to work hard to fix it.


The ability to treat oneself with kindness, understanding, and acceptance, even when mistakes are made. It is essential for healing from trauma and shame.


A neurotransmitter that plays a role in motivation, reward, and pleasure. It is often involved in addiction, as substances and behaviors can trigger a release of dopamine.


Our own internal opiates that provide pain relief, pleasure, and connection. They are essential for healthy parent-child relationships and can be disrupted by trauma.


A psychedelic plant medicine that can induce profound spiritual experiences and facilitate healing from trauma. It is not for everyone and should be used with caution and guidance.


  • What is the difference between a traumatic event and a stressful event?

    A traumatic event leaves a permanent wound that constricts, frightens, and makes one less comfortable with themselves and the world. A stressful event may be upsetting but does not leave a lasting wound.

  • How does emotional isolation contribute to unprocessed trauma?

    Emotional isolation can be both a manifestation of trauma and a cause of stress. It can lead to a sense of loneliness and disconnection, which can further exacerbate the effects of trauma.

  • What is the role of shame in trauma?

    Shame can be a powerful consequence of trauma, leading to a belief that there is something wrong with oneself and a need to work hard to fix it. It can also lead to a lack of self-compassion and difficulty forming healthy relationships.

  • How can we process trauma?

    Processing trauma requires connection and safety. It involves sharing one's suffering with others who can provide support and understanding. This can be done through therapy, support groups, or close relationships.

  • What is the \"tyranny of the past\"?

    The \"tyranny of the past\" refers to how trauma can shape our perceptions of the present moment. We may react to situations based on past experiences, even if those experiences are no longer relevant.

  • Why is it important to not parent-blame?

    Parents are often doing the best they can, even when their actions may be harmful. It is important to understand the context of parental behavior and the impact of their own trauma. Parent-blaming can hinder healing and prevent us from seeing the bigger picture.

  • How does the quality of parental presence impact a child's development?

    The quality of a parent's presence, including their emotional attunement, calmness, and responsiveness, directly influences a child's experience of love, security, and emotional well-being. A child's sense of attachment and trust is shaped by the quality of their early relationships.

  • What are the limitations of Western medicine in addressing the interconnectedness of the mind and body?

    Western medicine often fails to consider the impact of stress, trauma, and emotional experiences on physical health. It tends to focus on treating symptoms rather than addressing the underlying causes of illness, which often stem from a combination of biological, psychological, and social factors.

  • How has the profit motive contributed to a loss of meaning in work?

    The pursuit of profit maximization often leads to job displacement, outsourcing, and a focus on efficiency over human values. This can result in a loss of purpose and meaning for individuals, as work becomes increasingly alienated from their lives.

Show Notes

Dr. Gabor Maté is a Canadian physician and author known for his books on trauma, addiction, childhood development, stress and healing. His latest book “The Myth of Normal” is available now everywhere.  

Dr. Gabor Maté joins Theo to talk about his studies on trauma and how it affects our lives and relationships, his experiences leading Ayahuasca ceremonies, and why he thinks our culture is dealing with an epidemic of loneliness.

Dr. Gabor Maté: https://www.instagram.com/gabormatemd/


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Music: “Shine” by Bishop Gunn Bishop Gunn - Shine


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Producer: Nick https://www.instagram.com/realnickdavis/

Producer: Colin https://instagram.com/colin_reiner

Producer: Cam https://www.instagram.com/cam__george/ 

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Table of contents









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E538 Dr. Gabor Maté

E538 Dr. Gabor Maté

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