Neste episódio, o Prof. André Codeço comenta brevemente sobre a relação entre música e matemática.
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Para conhecer mais sobre a vida e obra de André Codeço, visite www.andrecodeco.com
Até a próxima!
Links para as obras ouvidas durante o episódio
Shostakovich Quartet No. 8 in C minor, Op. 110
Dmitri Shostakovich - String Quartet No. 9, Op. 117 (1964)
Palestra com o Prof. Dr. Dimitri Tymoczko
OLSON, Harry. Music, Physics and Engineering. New York: Dover Publications, 1967.
GARETH, Loy. Musimathics: the mathematical foundations of music. London: MIT Press, 2011.
MONTIEL, Mariana; PECK, Robert. Mathematical music theory: algebraic, combinatorial, topological an applied approaches to understanding musical phenomena. New Jersey: World Scienttific, 2019.
LEWIN, David. Generalized Musical Intervals and Transformations. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007.
LEWIN, David. Musical Form and Transformation. New York. Oxford University Press, 2007.
STRAUS, Jospeh Nathan. Introdução à Teoria Pós-tonal. 3a Ed. Trad.: Ricardo Bordini. São Paulo: UNESP – EDUFBA, 2013.
WRIGHT, David. Mathematics and Music. Providence, American Mathematical Society, 2000.
TOUSSAINT, T. Godfried. The Geometry of Musical Rhythm. Boca Raton. Taylor e Francis Group, 2013.
TYMOCZKO, Dimitri. A Geometry of Music: Harmony and Counterpoint in the Extended Common Practice. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011.