EU law is a wonderful machine | Daniel Sarmiento
My guest in this episode is Daniel Sarmiento. He is the editor in chief of EU Law Live, an online platform launched in 2020 that has taken the world of EU law by storm. But he’s also a lawyer and a professor whose academic writing is informed by his work as a legal practitioner.
We talk about the creation of the Spanish Constitutional Court, about how the Court of Justice changes its mind, about ‘silent judgments’ and judicial minimalism, and about the impact of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. What ties all these different topics together, is a basic insight that underpins all of Sarmiento's work, namely that law is made of practice, not of theory.
- EU Law Live:
- D. Sarmiento and M. Beltrán, Un Tribunal para la Constitución (documentary)
- D. Sarmiento, ‘The “overruling technique” at the Court of Justice of the European Union’, European Journal of Legal Studies, 2023
- D. Sarmiento, ‘The Silent Lamb and the Deaf Wolves: The Role of Silent Judgments in EU Law’, in Constitutional Pluralism in the European Union and Beyond, Hart 2011
- C. Sunstein, One Case At A Time: Judicial Minimalism on the Supreme Court, Harvard University Press 1999
- D. Sarmiento, ‘Half a case at a time: dealing with judicial minimalism at the European Court of Justice’, in: Constitutional conversations in Europe, Intersentia 2012
- D. Sarmiento, ‘Who’s Afraid of the Charter?’, Common Market Law Review 2013
- J.H.H. Weiler, ‘Does the European Union Truly Need a Charter of Rights?’, European Law Journal, June 2000
- D. Sarmiento and J.H.H. Weiler, ‘The EU Judiciary After Weiss: Proposing A New Mixed Chamber of the Court of Justice’, Verfassungsblog, 2 June 2020
- Keck (C-267/91)
- Metock (C-127/08)
- Link Logistic (C-384/17) & NE (C-205/20)
- Diego Porras (C-596/14) & Grupo Norte (C-527/16)
- HAG I (192/73) & HAG II (C-10/89)
- Taricco (C-105/14) & M.A.S. and M.B. (C-42/17)
- Centraal Israëlitische Consistorie van België (C-336/19)
- Ruiz Zambrano (C-34/09)
- Åkerberg Fransson (C-617/10)
- Melloni (C-399/11)
- Bob Woodward and Scott Armstrong, The Brethren: Inside the Supreme Court
- Jürgen Habermas, Between Facts and Norms
- Poems by Antonio Machado
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