EZ47LGBTQ & the process of "coming out" with Dr.Pavna Sodhi
Update: 2022-03-02
In this episode, I talk with Dr. Pavna Sodhi about the challenges of the LGBTQ community, the process of Coming out, the role of family, community, and the host culture in the process. Common issues LGBTQ and their families face especially as an immigrant in BIPOC communities, the Role of host culture in the process, how to educate our children, and a lot more…
Dr.Sodhi’s last episode: https://www.mehrans.com/empowering-conversationz/episode/c2a4e1fa/ez28-managing-covid-trauma-for-immigrants
List of books for children: https://www.readbrightly.com/9-great-lgbtq-books-kids/ & https://www.familyequality.org/family-support/lgbtq-books/early-elementary/
Dr. Pavna Sodhi Bio:
With over 20 years of psychotherapeutic and research experience, Dr. Pavna Sodhi (she/her) has interacted with a multitude of populations in both clinical and academic spaces. Her professional background and personal narrative offer a unique research perspective regarding culturally responsive trauma work, BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour) communities, and immigrant mental health. Her research has been featured in national and international scholarly journals and books. In 2017, she wrote, Exploring Immigrant and Sexual Minority Mental Health: Reconsidering Multiculturalism (Routledge). Content from her book is supported by first- and second-generation immigrant narratives, who share their experiences of migration, trauma, overt/covert racism, identity formation, and mental health concerns. She is currently authoring a book regarding decolonizing mental health and trauma-informed practices.
Insta : @sunotherapy
Website: www.pavnaksodhi.com
Twitter: @DrPavnaKSodhi
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pavna-k-sodhi-67b81615/?originalSubdomain=ca
Book: https://www.routledge.com/Exploring-Immigrant-and-Sexual-Minority-Mental-Health-Reconsidering-Multiculturalism/Sodhi/p/book/9780415841870
Dr.Sodhi’s last episode: https://www.mehrans.com/empowering-conversationz/episode/c2a4e1fa/ez28-managing-covid-trauma-for-immigrants
List of books for children: https://www.readbrightly.com/9-great-lgbtq-books-kids/ & https://www.familyequality.org/family-support/lgbtq-books/early-elementary/
Dr. Pavna Sodhi Bio:
With over 20 years of psychotherapeutic and research experience, Dr. Pavna Sodhi (she/her) has interacted with a multitude of populations in both clinical and academic spaces. Her professional background and personal narrative offer a unique research perspective regarding culturally responsive trauma work, BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour) communities, and immigrant mental health. Her research has been featured in national and international scholarly journals and books. In 2017, she wrote, Exploring Immigrant and Sexual Minority Mental Health: Reconsidering Multiculturalism (Routledge). Content from her book is supported by first- and second-generation immigrant narratives, who share their experiences of migration, trauma, overt/covert racism, identity formation, and mental health concerns. She is currently authoring a book regarding decolonizing mental health and trauma-informed practices.
Insta : @sunotherapy
Website: www.pavnaksodhi.com
Twitter: @DrPavnaKSodhi
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pavna-k-sodhi-67b81615/?originalSubdomain=ca
Book: https://www.routledge.com/Exploring-Immigrant-and-Sexual-Minority-Mental-Health-Reconsidering-Multiculturalism/Sodhi/p/book/9780415841870
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