Ep 23 Restorative (and Trauma-Informed) Practices in Schools: An Interview with Joe Brummer
In this episode, Ginger and Julie dive into Restorative Practices with Joe Brummer in the studio. Joe is an expert in developing trauma-informed and restorative approaches in schools and organizations. He is a consultant and author of the book, Building a Trauma-Informed Restorative School. This book can be ordered from ATN’s bookstore at Building a Trauma Informed Restorative School. Joe is also a member of ATN’s PD Collaborative, a group of trauma-informed educational experts available to provide PD training, consultation and support to school districts and organizations embarking on becoming trauma-informed.
Joe explains what Restorative Practices are and how these practices are implemented in schools. How do these practices differ from punitive practices and why do they work? Joe says, “The paradigm shift is the knowledge that the wrong-doing caused a break in relationships, not a break in rules.”
To get more information, or reach out to Joe, go to JoeBrummer.com.
For more information about ATN’s PD Collaborative, go here: https://www.attachmenttraumanetwork.org/atn-announces-new-pd-collaborative/.