Ep 30: Advocating against Restraint & Seclusion - a conversation with Guy Stephens
Julie and Ginger welcome ATN friend Guy Stephens into the studio. Guy is a lifelong Marylander, a father, a husband and a child advocate. He began by advocating for appropriate accommodations and supports for his neurodivergent son, which led him to found the Alliance Against Seclusion and Restraint. He is working to change policy and practices around the use of seclusion and restraint at the local, state, and federal levels. Guy says, “The biggest thing you have to change is the culture. You have to get buy-in from superintendents, school administrators, and others.” We do have a lot of paradigm shifting to do.
The website for the Alliance Against Seclusion and Restraint is www.EndSeclusion.org. The organization also has a presence on FaceBook, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube. You can email Guy directly at guystephens@endseclusion.org
Join us on Friday, October 14 for Compliance to Compassion, a virtual learning event for teachers, paraprofessionals and all educators needing support and ideas in these challenging times. Click to register: https://events.zoom.us/e/view/vSrc1zKiSR2VoOCQ9NDobg