Ep 36 - Sikh Wisdom - A Path to Enlightenment (w/Lak & JT)
In todays episode, co-host Jatinder and Sifu Lak choose and discuss today's koan, "Sikhs Seek Sikhi", found on page 324 of Lak's book, "The Art Of Thinking Without Thinking."
Highlights include:
- The wonderment from learning about spiritual ideas vs academic education
- About cultivating a hunger for the divine
- Life is a teacher and so are the people in it
- Why finding ultimate wonderment in life is key
- How the founder of Sikh Philosophy set a path of charity based off of a "true trade"
- Why some ancient texts call our time the "kali-yuga" or dark age
- Insights from BBC show "Luther"
- Using tenacity and childlike curiosity to honour and follow your direction to wonderment
- Why its a constant practice to stay in a state of bliss
Martial Mind Power, by Lak Loi, uses martial arts inspired by #BruceLee, ancient wisdom, and self-mastery principles to help provide better mental health for a modern age. To learn more, check out Lak's books here: https://www.martialmindpower.com/