DiscoverThe Perfectionism ProjectEp 465: How To Tell If You're Spinning Your Wheels Trying To Solve A False Problem
Ep 465: How To Tell If You're Spinning Your Wheels Trying To Solve A False Problem

Ep 465: How To Tell If You're Spinning Your Wheels Trying To Solve A False Problem

Update: 2024-05-26


There are two reasons I’m sharing a coaching call excerpt with you from my program Perfectionists Getting Shit Done:

Firstly, because if you’re a perfectionist entrepreneur then you need to know about false problems. Our brains create problems to keep us busy and distracted. This way we can subconsciously avoid solving more uncomfortable problems in our business or we get to avoid doing uncomfortable work. In this call you’ll  hear me spot a false problem that my client was having and help her work through what’s really going on for her in her business. 

The second reason I wanted to share this call is because it’s such a great example of the power of being inside Perfectionists Getting Shit Done. We perfectionists love to be self-sufficient in our mindset work. We feel embarrassed for others to see our messy brains and feel like getting help from others is a sign that we aren’t smart enough to do it on our own. But when we’re completely self-sufficient, there are blindspots that never get uncovered because it’s too uncomfortable for our brains to see them.

Being able to get coached on one of our weekly live calls or listen to the 200+ coaching call replays on the PGSD Private Podcast means that you’ll no longer be confused about why you aren’t getting shit done, keep burning yourself out or are struggling to get to your goals. When you’re inside the program you’ll be able to finally see your blindspots, without feeling bad about them, and then solve for what’s really going on. This is the secret to getting out of your own way in your business.

A big thank you to the PGSDer I coached on this call for giving us permission to share it on the podcast.

Perfectionists Getting Shit Done is currently open for enrollment. To find out more and sign up for the program today visit

Find the full episode transcript and show notes at

Featured In The Episode:


Work With Me:

My coaching program Perfectionists Getting Shit Done (aka PGSD) teaches you how to plan properly as a perfectionist and get out of your own way in your business. Even if you have a long history of procrastination, overthinking and burnout. To find out more about the program and sign up today visit:

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Ep 465: How To Tell If You're Spinning Your Wheels Trying To Solve A False Problem

Ep 465: How To Tell If You're Spinning Your Wheels Trying To Solve A False Problem

Sam Laura Brown