DiscoverProbably NothingEp. 10: Jacob Martin (The NFT Attorney) shows us how to spot the next big NFT project
Ep. 10: Jacob Martin (The NFT Attorney) shows us how to spot the next big NFT project

Ep. 10: Jacob Martin (The NFT Attorney) shows us how to spot the next big NFT project

Update: 2022-02-02


In Episode 10 of Probably Nothing TZ (@TZhongg) and Alexis (@alexisohanian) bring on the NFT Attorney, Jacob Martin (@thenftattorney). Jacob has had one of the best 2021s in web3 as he turned $5,000 into a sizeable 7-figure portfolio by flipping NFTs and being a part of certain DAOs. Jacob came onto the show to share how a 26-year old lawyer is one of the leading law experts in web3 with only 2 years of traditional law experience, what he looks for in projects, and what he believes 2022 will bring for web3.

- Timestamps -

1:47 : How did Jacob get into NFTs

4:33 : Why Jacob’s startup didn’t work

7:69 : Jacob’s crazy 2021

15:51 : How being a lawyer helped Jacob find good NFT deals

20:17 : America’s renting vs owning culture

22:07 : Transitioning from Lawyer to Investor

24:29 : Ready Player DAO

24:35 : Red DAO

32:06 : Experimental DAOs are the future.

34:57 : The issues with credentialism

42:12 : Which NFT would Jacob take onto his Island?

- Mentions -

Ready Player Dao (@ReadyPlayerDao)

Red Dao (@Red__DAO)

Cryptokitties (@CryptoKitties)


Veefriends by Gary Vaynerchuk (@garyvee)

Dapper Labs (@dapperlabs)

Evan Kearst (@evankearst)

Jordan Castro (@poopie)

Scott Martin (@burnttoast)


Squiggle (@squiggles)

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Ep. 10: Jacob Martin (The NFT Attorney) shows us how to spot the next big NFT project

Ep. 10: Jacob Martin (The NFT Attorney) shows us how to spot the next big NFT project

Tiffany Zhong and Alexis Ohanian