Ep. 23- "Choosing Candidates or Choosing Christ: Is There a Difference?"
This episode previews what many consider a HUGE day each year in America: Election Day! Kristi and I discuss the importance of politics and how it relates to the church.
Paul Smith, president and founder of Citizen Impact USA, is our featured guest this week. Please listen in to his heartbeat for educating Christians (and all citizens) on the importance of voting, but also how everyone can become an active part of the process. He serves as liaison between churches and the Georgia state government, and is a phenomenal educator on the topics of religious freedom.
Learn more about Citizen Impact USA: http://www.citizenimpactusa.org/
Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLxmXK8k6qA&t=197s
Listen to my son, Ridge, be baptized after receiving Christ this summer!
Correction: Dirt Road Sports Show now airs every THURSDAY via Facebook and YouTube at 8 PM EST/7 PM CST!
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Shout- Out's:
Dr. B's 1st Period "Origin of Life" class
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"teach THE truth" 1 Peter 3:15-16