Ep. 30 - What's the Enneagram?
You hear Kelley talk about the “7’s” all the time on the show. What does that mean? To celebrate ONE YEAR of (A)Theist episodes, Erin and Kelley put together this explainer on the ENNEAGRAM.
What is the enneagram? It’s a system of personality archetypes that when explored give insights into our own fixated patterns and a pathway towards softening and growth. Kelley walks us through and gives us a toe dip into this fascinating system.
For more information and to take the Enneagram test to discover your type we suggest visiting https://www.enneagraminstitute.com.
Production Note: If you want a visual of the Enneagram chart, visit www.atheistpodcast.com/episodes/30. You can listen to the episode and follow along on the pictures we have posted there!
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(A)theist is produced by Trend Media Productions.
Musical credit: "Better" Anno Domini Beats