Ep. 59 - Ephesians 2:1-10 | From Death to Life
In today’s episode, we come to one of the most famous passages in the book of Ephesians, and the Bible. In Ephesians 2:1-10, Paul reminds his readers and us about our condition before coming to know Christ. It was worse than we think. Then he will tell us just what it is that God has done for us. And it’s oh so much better than we can even understand. So that’s what we are looking at today. What has God done in the life of the Christian? And what can He do in your life if you’re not yet a Christian?
Introduction and Weather Update
Discussion on the Best Coach Ever
The Mental Side of Sports
Ben's Victory at Torrey Pines
Predictions for the Upcoming Tournament
Introduction to Ephesians 2
Our Condition Apart from Christ
But God: The Good News
Being Made Alive Spiritually
Receiving the Holy Spirit
The Gospel of Salvation
Seated with Christ
Saved by Grace
Created for Good Works