Heads up: this episode is an interview in Mandarin with my friend, Simona. She is a Data Analyst now living in Singapore after studying and working in the U.S for many years. We talked about how certain policies impacted her as a child, how a random encounter in college started a healing journey for her; how sharing what she truly wants to explore with her friends and her teachers has attracted more opportunities to connect with people in that field; what is life like after sharing with the world a secret she carried for many years.
这一期很荣幸地邀请到了,很多人都熟悉的豆瓣上的穿堂风。穿堂风目前居住在新加坡从事数据分析方面的工作,在这之前她在美国交换,留学和工作。穿堂风跟我们聊了聊,在国内上大学的时候一个偶遇,之后串联出来的在美国时候的疗愈和表达。以及跟教授和朋友们分享,自己想要探索什么样的事情,所促成的更多跟他人连接的缘分。把自己最沉重的秘密讲出来之后的人生是怎么样?从童年疗愈,到组织观影会,到创建她乡,对于她乡的期待和总结目前的收获,再到分享自己的人生mission。欢迎大家收听这期关于表达疗愈与连接,连点成线的人生。如果听了part1的小伙伴,可以从25:30 开始听~
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