DiscoverJOURNEYS OF THE ASTROPATHS 'MICHAEL'Episode 1: Journeys of the Astropaths 'MICHAEL' Season 2 Episode 1
Episode 1: Journeys of the Astropaths 'MICHAEL'  Season 2 Episode 1

Episode 1: Journeys of the Astropaths 'MICHAEL' Season 2 Episode 1

Update: 2022-03-08


NEW BEGINNINGS AND OLD PROBLEMSSeason 2 of the Journeys of the Astropaths 'MICHAEL' Our episode begins with Michael training with his mentors. Marlow is in Asia attempting to find allies for their struggles there. Michael is given a beating during his knife fighting and following that he tries hard to master the flow of Qi with his QiGong instructor, but moves more like the tinman than the silk scarf he's been asked to wield. QUOTE FROM THE TEXT: ‘I think you should rest,’ she declared. ‘Then before you go to bed tonight try again. When you wake up in the morning, try again, and tomorrow afternoon when I come to visit, I want to see the flow.’In part two we revisit the novel of Katrina Russell. In this episode, Katrina catches a break and is offered a job sight unseen.  Considering her boyfriend is unemployed and the rent is past due, she goes for it. When she is picked up by an odd pair of rather unrepeatable men, she knew she was in over her head, but desperation was fueling her decisions. Marco is a mysterious boss whose office--located in a warehouse--seems very odd to her, but when he offers her $50 to get some clothes and $250 a week to come to work running errands, she jumps at the offer.  








Sleep Timer


End of Episode

5 Minutes

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120 Minutes

Episode 1: Journeys of the Astropaths 'MICHAEL'  Season 2 Episode 1

Episode 1: Journeys of the Astropaths 'MICHAEL' Season 2 Episode 1

Jonathon Siminoe