DiscoverThe Maeve Ferguson PodcastEpisode 114 - What do you believe to be true?
Episode 114 - What do you believe to be true?

Episode 114 - What do you believe to be true?

Update: 2024-02-02


This week's episode is a short yet impactful one, focusing on a powerful experience that recently reminded the host of a valuable lesson from 2017. The central theme revolves around questioning what we believe to be true and examining the stories we tell ourselves.

I delve into personal insights provided by their mindset coach, Kashia Rutkowiak, emphasizing the ability to create narratives in our minds that influence decision-making. This self-reflection extends to personal and business aspects, and I would love you to identify and challenge stories you may be telling yourself.

The episode draws parallels to common narratives in business, especially those heard during sales calls. I encourage you to analyze your beliefs at different stages of your business, from top-of-funnel cold audiences to client delivery, and question the validity of your narratives.

  1. Top of Funnel:

    • Reflect on stories told about attracting cold and warm audiences.
    • Challenge beliefs that may not align with the actual situation.
  2. Middle of Funnel:

    • Explore narratives around the latest strategies and tactics for building email lists.
    • Examine the reasons people join your email list and question assumptions.
  3. Nurturing and Sales Mechanisms:

    • Analyze beliefs regarding sales mechanisms.
    • Address any preconceived notions from past experiences or external influences.
  4. Client Acquisition:

    • Question beliefs about the affordability of your niche.
    • Challenge assumptions that may hinder successful client acquisition.
  5. Client Delivery:

    • Reflect on personal insecurities regarding client satisfaction.
    • Acknowledge and challenge imposter syndrome and self-doubt.

I encourage you to take time to scrutinize each aspect of your business model and personal life. By questioning beliefs, you may uncover stories you've been telling yourself that may not align with reality. 

 If you found this episode valuable, don't forget to leave a review and share it with others. Sharing insights with fellow experts and coaches can lead to those enlightening "aha" moments.

You can connect with Kasia here

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Episode 114 - What do you believe to be true?

Episode 114 - What do you believe to be true?

Maeve Ferguson