Episode 17 - How to lose nearly 40kgs without surgery. With special guest Julie Hercock
Accountability coaching is one of my offerings. This is where I provide intense, totally personalised health and weight management coaching for people who have tried for many years to lose weight and failed. I help unpack the complexities of weight management and I am there as a support person every step of the way to help you navigate all of the obstacles that come up.
Julie and I have been working together for nearly a year now and she has lost 37kgs and is still on her journey with a goal of completing a half marathon in Queenstown in November. She has made significant and life changing modifications to her routines that have allowed her to not only lose weight but come off many medications, participate in activities with her children and ride a horse again. She feels 20years younger and has stepped back into her life with gusto.
This is her story....