Episode 2: Trench Mouth & "Weird" Gonorrhea
On this fortnight's exciting episode: Nancy's sister catches a disease from World War 1, so we make fun of her! Also, Mike talks about getting an uncommon disease that made an ER doctor very excited. Finally, we discuss the joys of mixing caffeine and alcohol, and bone flutes. The Oxford comma was very important in that last sentence.
Thanks to Dr. George Wohlreich and Dr. Bennett Lorber for helping all of this come together.
Show notes:
La Colombe Hard Coffee: https://www.lacolombehardcoldbrew.com/
The definitive word on Kraft Dinner and ketchup @ 2:45 : https://youtu.be/aynCgnbbgbM?t=165
Where Nancy sources her deer bones: http://friendsofmountmoriahcemetery.org/
Our opening and closing themes are Fearless First by Kevin McLeod, used under a Creative Commons license.
..... war...during cihmmm....well.. it's early in your podcast. I,'ll check back further down rhe line.I do wish you success. I'm def one that is obsessed with medical weirdness,oddities, how bubonic plague ,surguries during Civil War