Episode 2: What do you want?

Episode 2: What do you want?

Update: 2022-09-20


So here’s a loaded question… What do you want?

In this episode, I share my process of having no idea what I truly wanted, discovering what I really wanted, and then believing that it was possible for me to achieve my biggest dreams, even with an ever present inner mean girl trying to run the show. 

I woke up one day in my 40’s and I had no idea how to answer that question.

I did what people expected of me and convinced myself that THAT was what I wanted. 

Everything I had achieved in my life was a natural progression, and I never questioned it.

Until I realized that sometimes I would find myself staring out the window wondering what I was meant to do in this life. 

I spent the majority of my life doing what everyone expected me to do.

And I remember sitting here in my office, right where I am recording this podcast episode, in a conference call at 5:30 after having been at work since 7:00 am thinking. Shit.. this is NOT the way I want to spend the rest of my life.

I decided that counting down the minutes until the weekend was not the way I wanted to live my life anymore, but I didn’t know how to believe that anything else was possible.

So I want to ask you… what do you WANT?

What do you have to believe to get there?

Be aware of the thoughts that you come back to that get in the way of you believing what you want to believe. Notice them. Write them down. Give them a nod… then focus on the fact that it’s totally normal.. Go back to that core belief statement, and start creating the evidence that will fortify the core belief statement. It’s possible for you

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Sleep Timer


End of Episode

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Episode 2: What do you want?

Episode 2: What do you want?

Dr. Amy Boyd