Episode 25 - Standard Deviations (University of Sydney)
This month’s episode is the first in a three-part podcast by Nicola Brayan from the University of Sydney.
We’ve all been told that there’s a “proper” way to speak English. What if that wasn’t true?
There are thousands of dialects of English that are “non-standard” yet they still carry cultural and historic significance.
Nicola’s deep-dive into English dialects around the world shows how language shapes identity, communities, and, too often, discrimination.
This story challenges us to think before we judge the way others speak.
You can listen to the entire three-part podcast (and you should!):
Podcast Index
Amazon Music
Or type 'Standard Deviations Junction Journalism' into your favourite podcast app.
Written and produced: Nicola Brayan
Supervising Editor: Lea Redfern
Sound design and audio editing: Josh Dowton
Artwork: Veronica Lenard
For more stories by journalism students at the University of Sydney: