Episode 27--From Higher Ed to a Higher Calling-Jada Drew
Many times we start working at jobs or in careers simply because we need the money. Once we get established many want to move on to bigger and better, but few ever are able to make that move successfully. In this episode of the podcast we are going to interview Ms. Jada Drew.
Jada Monica Drew is a Leadership and Diversity Consultant who partners with organizational and educational leaders to create professional development solutions in leadership and diversity for personnel and to develop sustainable practices for equity
and inclusion. She is a former higher ed pro and has now written and released 2 books and given presentations all over the world related to diversity and leadership.
In this interview we cover:
- Consistent steps for vendors/outsiders interested in having working relationships with the higher education industry.
- How to balance doing your job well and doing your business on the side.
- Things you should do before you leave your job if you desire to work your business full time.
To learn more about Jada and her work visit: