Episode 270: Productivity and Pushing Forward Can Lead to Success with Casey Morrissey
Today, Joanna has Casey Morrissey on the show. Casey is a certified substance abuse counselor with over seven years of experience in the field. He is one of the founders of Refine Recovery. He has unique expertise in blending his experience with family dynamics and the Al-Anon program with his addiction schooling. This approach helps bridge the gap between families and their loved ones through the treatment process. He believes in the power of change and transformation of lives. Join them as they have a fun and informative conversation.
Connect with Joanna Lilley
Therapeutic Consulting Association
Email: joanna@lilleyconsulting.com
Connect with Casey Morrissey
Call Us at (866) 994-3913
Text Us at (310) 807-2781
Email: admissions@refinerecovery.com
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