Episode 31: Dick Tracy [1990]
Jala is joined by Leonard (Monster Dear Monster) and Adam (Half Tone Takes) to discuss the 1990 Dick Tracy film starring Warren Beatty, Madonna, and Al Pacino.
NOTE: We mention a recording Leonard performed of the song "More," but he did not have it ready in time for episode release. We will release it separately upon its completion in the future. Thanks!
- The Comic Book Movie Peaked 30 Years Ago, With “Dick Tracy”
- Dick Tracy was unlike any other movie made in 1990 — and any movie made today
- Dick Tracy: The Long Journey of the 1990 Blockbuster
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Jala Prendes - @jalachan
The Level
Leonard - @drfaustisdead, @UmbraNoxProd
Monster Dear Monster
Adam Bucceri - @AdamBucceri
Half Tone Takes
Special Guests: Adam Bucceri and Leonard.