Episode 322 - 'Shifting Space'
Lots of deep and vibey liquid this week on Fokuz Recordings, Celsius, Spearhead, Default, Lunar Records, Ridmic, and more!
Shenji - Dancing Fireflies [Ridmic]
Rezilient & Alpha Rhythm - Planetfall [Forthcoming Fokuz]
Highpass - True Space [Celsius]
Marvel Cinema and Luke Truth - Open Your Eyes [Forthcoming Celsius]
Conspiracy - You Said [Fokuz]
Outer Bass - Radical [Forthcoming Fokuz]
Echomatics - Oh Lord [Default]
Bungle - Receding [Forthcoming Scientific Records]
Vblvb - Shifting Format [Fokuz]
Marble Elephant - Alone [Lunar Records]
MidKnighT MooN - Raumati [Kos.Mos.Music]
Maykors and Komax - Lullaby [Forthcoming Celsius]
Maykors and pyxis - Untitled Day [Forthcoming Celsius]
Seba - Project ft. Sapele [Forthcoming Spearhead]
Phabiaz - Raining [Celsius]