DiscoverThe VBAC LinkEpisode 322 Emily's 2VBA2C With an Induction
Episode 322 Emily's 2VBA2C With an Induction

Episode 322 Emily's 2VBA2C With an Induction

Update: 2024-07-31


During her first labor, Emily experienced a hyperactive uterus where she had constant squeezing with no breaks and minimal dilation. She was at a birth center but after exhausting all coping options decided to transfer to the hospital. After receiving an epidural and Pitocin, then detecting meconium, Emily was ready to consent to a Cesarean. 

Emily’s second birth was a planned Cesarean, then her third and fourth births were both VBACs. Emily describes how even though her provider was the same for both vaginal deliveries, her experiences were so different. With her third, Emily had a beautiful pushing stage and easy recovery. However, pushing with her fourth felt rushed and she experienced a fourth-degree tear. 

Meagan and Emily share the importance of making your preferences known in every aspect of labor and delivery so your support team can speak up when you are not able to. 

Needed Website

How to VBAC: The Ultimate Prep Course for Parents

Full Transcript under Episode Details 

Meagan: Hello, Women of Strength. We have a 2VBA2C story for you today. We were just talking about it before we started recording all of the acronyms. I was like, “Oh, you’re a VBAC after two C-sections story.” And your baby is 8– wait, did I see that right? 8 months? 

Emily: He’s 9 months now. 

Meagan: 9 months. 

Emily: He’s almost a year. 8 months, 9 months, 10 months, somewhere around there. 

Meagan: Still very little, still very fresh so I’m excited for you to share his story and your other babies’ stories. We have Emily by the way. This is Emily. Hello, Emily. 

Emily: Hi. 

Meagan: Remind me. Where are you located? 

Emily: I’m in Texas. 

Meagan: Okay, you’re in Texas. Awesome. Okay you guys, we’re going to share her stories. We do have a Review of the Week so I want to hurry and get into that and then we’ll jump into Emily’s stories. 

This Review is from Rachel and it says, “Thanks for giving me the confidence to have a VBAC. I am glad I found this amazing podcast when I was newly pregnant with baby number two. After a long, traumatic experience that ended in a C-section, I was cautiously hopeful that I would have a VBAC. Using information that I learned from hearing other people’s stories on The VBAC Link, I felt confident and prepared for the birth of my son. On October 9, 2020” so that was four years ago, “I had a beautifully redemptive VBAC and welcomed our boy into the world. Thank you so much for helping me achieve my dream.” 

Women of Strength, that review is for you. You and your stories and your participation in the community and on Instagram and all the places is seriously what builds this community up and helps these other Women of Strength find the courage just like she said and find the education.

I’m so excited for you, Rachel. Congrats and as always, if you have time to leave a review, please do so. It helps other Women of Strength find stories. 

Meagan: Okay, Ms. Emily. Let’s get into this. So you have four babies now. 

Emily: Yes. My oldest is about to be 7 and my youngest is 8 months or so. 

Meagan: Okay, so you were having your first C-section as I was pregnant with my VBA2C baby. 

Emily: Yeah, it was 2017. 

Meagan: When you had him? 

Emily: When I had her. I had three girls and then my youngest is a boy. 

Meagan: Yes. My VBA2C was in 2016 so just right before, yeah. Awesome. Okay, well I’m going to turn the time over to you. 

Emily: Sure. So my first pregnancy, I actually found out I was pregnant on my honeymoon when we were in Mexico. 

Meagan: Oh my gosh. 

Emily: Yeah. I was stressed out and working out a bunch and all of this planning the wedding. I expected my period to come while we were there so I’m like, “Oh, it’s going to be the worst. I have all of these white clothes and I’m going to be on the beach and I’m going to have my period.” It just didn’t come so it was right at the start of our honeymoon. I was like, “Let’s take a test. I don’t want to be drinking margaritas for the rest of the week,” then of course, I was. 

We came back from the honeymoon with another big announcement. I feel like a lot of people’s stories is that you didn’t know any better and you just showed up at the hospital and you did what the doctor said. I was the exact opposite at that point. I was reading all of the things. I read the Ina May book. I had a midwife at a birth center and I was going to the chiropractor constantly. I was doing all of the things to be ready to give birth at the birth center without medication and all of that. That’s just not how it ended up. 

I think I was around 36 weeks and she was breech. I was going to the chiropractor all of the time trying to get her to turn. I was doing Spinning Babies. I was doing acupuncture. I was going upside down all of the time. I was finding swimming pools to do handstands and all of the things. 

I did moxibustion where you smoke–

Meagan: Uh-huh, on your Bladder 6. 

Emily: She was still breech so my midwife set me up with the breech guy. People come to him from all over to do breech vaginal deliveries so I started seeing him. This was when we were living in Houston so I started seeing him and we did all of the things to try and get her to turn and ended up having a version. 

I went in. I had an epidural. They manually turned her and then afterward, they were monitoring me in the room and the nurses were like, “Okay, well do you want to be induced now?” I was like, “Nope. I’ve got a plan. I’m going home.” So I left the hospital after that. She stayed head down and then I went to 42 weeks and at about 42 weeks, I went into labor but my labor was weird. 

I was getting contractions but there was no break between them. It was just constant, squeezing pressure. I was texting my midwife asking, “I don’t know what to do. I can’t time them. There is no in-between.” It was mostly my back and after, I think it was 3 hours and I was like, “I can’t do this. This is too weird.” I didn’t have any guidance for what to do if you’re not able to– they weren’t broken up at all. 

Meagan: Were you dehydrated at all? 

Emily: No, I don’t think so. I’m not sure. We finally went into the birthing center and it stayed that way for a really long time. We were there throughout the night. I was on a birthing ball and my husband was just elbow into my back for hours. I couldn’t sleep because it was just constant pain. I tried the Rebozo scarf. We did all kinds of things while I was there. 

I will say though, I should have had a doula because my midwife kind of just left the room and was gone. She was somewhere in the center probably sleeping. I don’t know. She would come in every once in a while and we were really just left to our own devices in there. We had done I think it was a six-week class. We went in every week trying to prepare. 

Yeah, we were just in this room together in the middle of the night really tired and in a lot of pain not knowing what to do to get this going. At one point, I was on an IV. She had given me all of the pain stuff that they can give you. At one point, she was like, “I’ve done all of my–” I wish I could remember. 

Meagan: I’ve exhausted all my tools type thing. 

Emily: Yeah, I’ve given you as many doses as I can in a time period. 

We did the catheter. That came out at some point. I think it was Monday when I went in there and then Wednesday when I ended up leaving there. At one point, she was checking to see. She was looking at my cervix and my water broke. There was a bunch of meconium and it was green crazy. She just looked at me and was like, “I think it’s probably time for you to go.” 

I got back in the car in rush-hour traffic in Houston and headed to the hospital. There was a nurse in the back seat with me holding my IV bag. My husband drove us there. She had called the doctor who did my version so I had already met him and known him and known that he was pretty progressive as well doing breech vaginal deliveries and I know he did breech twin deliveries. He was a very cool guy so I felt good about that. We went. He was like, “All right. Let’s do an epidural. You can sleep. You can relax and all these things.” 

That’s what we did. I think I had the epidural for 8 hours and I was at 6 centimeters. They were like, “Okay, what about Pitocin?” I feel like they did give me a lot of time and I hate the saying “give me” but they gave me a lot of time and by the end of it, I was exhausted. I was done and ready to get her out. I only made it to 6 centimeters after all of that. It was 3 days of labor. 

By that time, just get her out of there. She was almost 10 pounds. She was big. Yeah. The C-section, that all went fine. I found recovery to be especially hard. My body was already so tired. 

Meagan: Exhausted. 

Emily: Exhausted. I wasn’t prepared for it. I didn’t expect it to be as painful as it was, but yeah. I know some people kind of just pop right up after and are moving around. That was not my experience. That was my first. 

I feel like I had 10 experiences in one. I did the midwife birth center thing. They tried to get

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Episode 322 Emily's 2VBA2C With an Induction

Episode 322 Emily's 2VBA2C With an Induction

Meagan Heaton