Episode 340 Denise's VBA2C + Pediatric Physical Therapy + VBAC Doula Gina Shares About the Microbiome
Dr. Denise DeRosa is a Pediatric Physical Therapist from New York City. She had two Cesareans and was confident that those would be her only birth stories. But when she unexpectedly became pregnant with her third, Denise started looking into her options. She researched VBAC, found The VBAC Link, and felt that she could have a VBA2C.
Having worked in the hospital where she planned to give birth, Denise knew she would face pushback. She knew they were skeptical and she knew they would try to meddle. She worked hard with her doula to get her mind solid, her body strong, and to prepare for any situation or anything that would be thrown at her. Ultimately, she believed in herself.
So with an unsupportive provider in an unsupportive hospital with an apprehensive family, Denise’s preparation paid off! She labored hard, advocated for herself, and vaginally birthed a 9-pound, 5-ounce baby.
Gina, one of our VBAC-certified doulas from California, co-hosts today’s episode and shares information about how C-sections affect an infant’s gut microbiome. She also mentions things we can do to help mimic the benefits of birthing vaginally if a Cesarean is necessary.
How to VBAC: The Ultimate Prep Course for Parents
Full Transcript under Episode Details
Meagan: Hello, everybody. Welcome to the show. We have our friend, Denise, from New York City with us today. Hello, Denise.
Denise: Hi.
Meagan: I’m so excited for you to be sharing your stories. You are a VBA2C mama just like myself.
Denise: Yes, I am. That’s right.
Meagan: Yes and when we were talking about the C-section aspect of things, it reminded me a little bit of myself. Didn’t dilate, baby didn’t come down. What do we know? We know that this is a very common, common thing. In addition to Denise, we have a very special co-host today and her name is Gina Benson. Hello, Gina.
Gina: Hi.
Meagan: She is one of our VBAC doulas. Tell us where you’re at, Gina.
Gina: I am in the Sacramento area of California based in Roseville.
Meagan: Okay, all right. Then we‘re going to make sure that she has her website and everything so if you guys are in her area looking for a doula, go check her out for sure.
She is going to do a Review of the Week for us today. So I’ll turn the time over to you.
Gina: All right. “I’ve waited and prayed about this moment to be able to write the words, ‘I got my VBAC’ feels surreal. Two years ago, I gave birth to my daughter via Cesarean and since the OR, I’ve been dreaming of a VBAC. It felt like a primal right I was robbed of. Yesterday, I gave birth at home with gestational diabetes to a 9-pound, 2-ounce baby. I pushed him out of my vagina, pulled him out of the water, and sobbed in joy relishing in my redemption and power. This would not have been possible without The VBAC Link. I listened every day postpartum, sobbed and cheered with the Women of Strength. I cannot recommend this podcast enough to all expectant parents. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
Oh my gosh, do you guys have the chills? Because I literally have the chills. You know how when as a woman you shave your legs and you’re like, Oh, I just felt my leg hairs grow? Yep, that just happened. Oh my gosh, thank you for such an amazing review and huge congratulations. I’m so glad that you’ve been able to walk the walk with us here at The VBAC Link. This is why we’re here. We want to inspire, encourage, empower, and help you know for yourself what is best for you. We don’t judge here at The VBAC Link, but we really, really do love your reviews. So thank you so much.
Okay, so that review also talked a little bit about a big baby. Denise also had a larger baby with her VBA2C baby. I feel like there are so many things that are going to come together within this review and within everything. So, Denise, I want to turn the time over to you to share your C-sections to start and then your VBAC.
Denise: Perfect, thank you. Hi everybody. I’m Dr. Denise DeRosa. I’m a pediatric physical therapist. I feel like I have to lead with that because who I am is what I do. That with motherhood is all merged together and really helped me in my journey for a successful VBAC.
We’ll start at the beginning with my first baby. I was pregnant. Everything was going great. Everything was wonderful. I was still working. I had an uncomplicated pregnancy. The only thing that was a little off was that the baby was measuring big. I was like, okay. Whatever. It should be fine. Those machines are way off anyway.
I go to 40 weeks, 40 and 1, 40 and 2, 40 and 3. I’m 40 and 5 days and my doctor is like, “All right. I want to induce you tomorrow.” I’m like, “Okay, sounds good.” I didn’t know anything. I worked at the hospital as well so I’m just trusting that we’ve got this and we were good. I loved my doctor. Everything was going great.
That night before I went in to get induced, I actually did start feeling something. I was like, What is that? It feels like cramps or something. I don’t know. At 3:00 AM, I think I’m in labor. “Hon, get up. We’ve got to get to the hospital. Let’s go. Let’s go.”
We get to the hospital. It’s 3:00 AM and I’m 3 centimeters dilated. I’m like, “Oh, okay. I guess that’s good. I don’t know.” We get all the things– the epidural, the Pitocin, and I pretty much just lay in the bed, sleep, do a puzzle game on my iPad, and relax because that’s what they tell me to do. It is very easy for me to relax now.
It gets to be 11:00 AM the next day. I’m like, “I feel a little bit different. Can I be checked?” I get checked. 10 centimeters, wonderful, beautiful. They turn off everything. You know when they turn off that epidural, it’s like, bam. This is intense.
Meagan: Especially when you were not feeling anything before.
Denise: Exactly.
Meagan: It can definitely pick up and be a little bit more than maybe you were expecting.
Denise: Yes. I am in a Semi-Fowler position which is the one where you’re essentially leaned back but not all the way back. You’re inclined at a 45-degree angle. My hips and knees were at 90/90. It was essentially like I was sitting on the toilet but I was leaning back. I’m sure everybody knows the position that I’m talking about. That’s the position to push.
My husband is holding one leg. The nurse is holding the other leg. My doctor is telling me to push. It’s just a disaster. I have to be honest with you. It was crazy because I didn’t know how to push so he was telling me to push like I’m pooping and I’m pushing like I’m holding it in. Everything was spasming and everything was just a disaster.
I remember saying, “Let me get up. Let me move my body. I’m a physical therapist. Let me move my body. I just need to move around a little bit and I’ll be good. Just let me get up.” “No, you can’t get up. You have the catheter in.”
Meagan: Intuition. Your intuition was kicking in to move.
Denise: Yeah, exactly. My pelvis was stuck in the position. I was just lying there. The only thing they did was flex my knees up and down. I think I got the peanut ball at one point but it’s not like it was side-lying. There was no internal/external rotation. It was just one plain movement.
Anyway, I pushed for 2 hours and nothing happened. My doctor was like, “All right. Why don’t we give you a break? We’ll turn on the meds. Relax for an hour and then I’ll come back and we’ll push again for an hour.” I’m like, “Okay, sounds good. I need a break. Wonderful.” A rest. He’s like, “But you know, if nothing happens, we’re going to have to get the C-section.” I’m like, “Okay, well let me try again.”
No food. No water. Only Jello and ice chips. I hadn’t eaten since the day before. I was just so out of it between the drugs and the not eating. I did sleep a little bit when I was relaxing there but I was shot. My doctor came back after an hour and he goes, “Denise, I just went across the hall and the girl across the hall, I turned off her meds and she pushed 3 times and the baby came out.”
I was like– let’s just say my hand went up in the air with one specific finger up. I essentially flipped off my– it wasn’t even the doctor. It was just the situation. I was like, “Forget this. This is ridiculous.” Okay? Now that’s the kind of relationship my doctor and I have that we can joke around and all of that stuff and after, I apologized. He was like, “Don’t worry. I deliver people in handcuffs. That was not the worst thing.”
Meagan: What?
Denise: Yeah, you know if you are stationed at the hospital, you deliver everybody. You know?
Meagan: Yeah.
Denise: What do you think happened? I stayed in the bed. I pushed. Inefficient pushing. Baby never drop