DiscoverGet Out of Your Damn Way with Dr. Amy BoydEpisode 4: Tapping in to future you
Episode 4: Tapping in to future you

Episode 4: Tapping in to future you

Update: 2022-09-21


In order to create new results, you must create a new identity that matches the results that you want.

So, how do you change your identity?

Step 1: Decide on the type of person you want to be.

What's your goal? You get to decide. But in the first step, you need to know who you need to become in order to change your identity.

Step 2: Visualize the new you.

This is a great example I like to share about Jim Carey. When he was on Oprah, he shared the story that when he was a struggling actor, he wrote a check to himself for 10 million dollars postdated ten years from then. He carried it in his wallet and was being the well paid actor. He was being the well-paid actor while he was struggling to get work. Ten years later, he was signed to "Dumb and Dumber" for 10 million dollars. 

BE – think about the type of person you want to be, how you want to be treated like, how you want to treat others and how you approach things like your challenges, relationships, finances, health and personal development.

Think about the type of attitude, values, character and beliefs you need to have to be that person.

When you are clear about who you want to be, you will have little to no issues in finding out what you need to do.

DO – now that you have established the type of person you want to be. Make a list of things and actions that you must take to fulfill the role of the person you are working on becoming.

You can even take it further by changing the way you dress, talk and interact with others. Do the necessary work, in order to have (achieve your goal).

HAVE – once you are being the person you want to be, you will start acting and making decisions that will bring or attract what you want to have. Having is the result of you being and doing.

HAVE, DO, BE (the way we were taught)

Once I have the experience, then I will apply for the promotion I've always wanted... then I will be happy.


I am being the person who already has the promotion.. therefore I am going to show up every day as if I already have that promotion, and I'm happy because I know that my getting the promotion is inevitable.

BE the person, that can DO what it takes to reach the HAVE (the goal).

BE: Embody that next level version of YOU. (You.2.0)

Get clear about what this looks like.

  • How does she act?
  • How does she make her decisions?
  • How does she FEEL on a day to day basis?
  • What are her DAILY HABITS?

DO: Make decisions and take action as the next level version of you.

Get clear about what this looks like.

  • Would she take better care of her health?
  • Would she prioritize self care, and schedule it into her calendar?
  • Would she be confident in knowing that her success is INEVITABLE?
  • Would she invest in her dissertation process by hiring a coach/an editor/in childcare?
  • Would she take more risks?

HAVE: Always connect to this version and make decisions as her now.

Feel your feelings and hold the higher vision - learn to trust  your inner guidance and your higher self 

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Keep chasing those dreams. Sending you love.









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Episode 4: Tapping in to future you

Episode 4: Tapping in to future you

Dr. Amy Boyd