Episode 4 - feat. Brandon Gemme (RJC)
In episode 4, Peter dives deep with Brandon Gemme. Brandon works at RJC Engineers in Toronto as a Building Science Engineer. Prior to working at RJC, Brandon has worked at OHE Consultants and Build Max Limited. He holds a Bachelor of Applied Science in Civil Engineering from the University of Toronto and is a certified Professional Engineer and Building Science Specialist, as well as a Certified Passive House Designer. We recently met Brandon in-person at the Passive House Canada conference in Victoria, BC, where he presented his research paper comparing North American Fenestration Standards to the Passive House standard and European standards that Passive House references. This paper was written for the Canadian Conference on Building Science and Technology (CCBST) and is scheduled to be published in advance of their October 2022 conference. Brandon welcomes any questions about the research paper and can be reached at bgemme@rjc.ca .
We had a great time chatting with Brandon about the differences between North American and European modeling software and how their respective assumptions impact real-world projects, what boundary conditions are and how they differ internationally, what “hygiene” is in the context of Passive House, air tightness requirements in building codes, and so much more! We hope you enjoy this conversation as much as we did.