DiscoverGet Out of Your Damn Way with Dr. Amy BoydEpisode 7: One Year Without Alcohol
Episode 7: One Year Without Alcohol

Episode 7: One Year Without Alcohol

Update: 2023-06-06


For anyone sober-curious, I thought I would share some of the ways my life has improved over the past year.

1. I didn't realize it at the time, but not only was I numbing myself from feeling stress and anxiety, but I was numbing myself from being able to experience joy and elation. I didn't know what it was like to feel all the good feels because my baseline was numb.

2. I've up-leveled my entire life. I couldn't imagine getting up at 4:00 am every day to be at the gym by 5:00 am long term. I've been doing it for an entire year now. And not waking up with a hangover is such a gift.. anything is possible.

3. I'm in the best shape and health of my life. Even though I'm not where I would like to be with my weight, I'm stronger than I have ever been and reaching physical milestones I didn't think were possible.

4. I've released 20 pounds and counting without 'dieting'. I watch what I eat, and choose foods that fuel me. Alcohol used to be a trigger for me to binge-eat crap. It lowered my inhibitions and left me feeling constantly bloated.

5. I feel like I won the time lottery. I have so much time to do new things. I'm painting, reading, writing, and more present than I've ever been. Alcohol prevented me from being present. For me, it also frequently exacerbated the voice of my inner mean girl, which would pull me out of any situation and into my head.

6. Improved self awareness... this has been both a blessing and a curse. I see a lot more of who I am now. I see some things that I didn't see before that I get to work on.

7. Sleep is more nourishing.. I'm not tossing and turning all night. I wake up feeling well rested with a clear mind.

8. No more acid reflux... went from taking prescription strength Prilosec twice a day to it being completely gone!

9. My skin looks more hydrated. I used to have flaky, dry, splotchy skin.

Here are some of the things I'm still working through... the tough parts of sobriety.

1. With my anxiety, I tend to be socially awkward. Alcohol made it easier for me to interact in social situations. I'm working through this but it is a challenge. I'm finally at a point where I can sit at a bar and not want a drink. Yay for mocktails!

2. I've never been a "sweets" person until I stopped drinking alcohol. Since I quit drinking, I have a sweet tooth at night that has taken me by surprise. I've been finding healthier snacks without sugar to help curb the cravings.

I feel like I've cracked it. My life doesn't revolve around alcohol any longer.

I can look in the mirror and feel so proud of myself.

My whole life, until last year, I'd been a drinker.

I thought it was just who I was and that it would be impossible to change.

I feel like anything is possible now.

2023 is the year I say yes to anything that scares the hell out of me. I'm participating in adventure races, physical competitions, writing a book, and going through Master Coach Certification with The Life Coach School all while doing what I love and helping some of the most inspiring women I've ever met finish their dissertations and achieve their dreams. I’m going to do a separate podcast episode on THAT… that 2023 is the year I say yes to anything that scares the HELL out of me. 

I'm just getting started... 

If you want some help or are sober curious, please join our private community the Get out of your damn way pod squad… I built a business around making women feel better… through creating self-confidence, through doing scary ass things, and through setting and accomplishing big goals. Come hang out with me!









Sleep Timer


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Episode 7: One Year Without Alcohol

Episode 7: One Year Without Alcohol

Dr. Amy Boyd