Episode 90: The (Christian) face of immigration (Eduardo and Odalis Vasquez)
Almost half of the world's migrants claim Christianity according to new research from Pew Research Center.
In this episode, we hear from two Christian immigrants, Eduardo and Odalis Vasquez, Church of Christ members who are part of the 7.7 million people who fled Venezuela over the last few years.
The Vasquezes talk about why and how they left their home behind and what it is like to try to make their new home in Montevideo, Uruguay.
They also share the story of how immigrants (from Cuba, the Dominican Republic, and Venezuela) are breathing new life into the Montevideo Church of Christ (which was struggling before the arrival of so many immigrants in recent years).
Link to Erik Tryggestad's recent story about the Montevideo Church of Christ (featuring Eduardo and Odalis Vasquez).
Link to an archive of The Christian Chronicle's complete coverage of the "diaspora" of Church of Christ members from Venezuela as they migrate around the world.
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