Episode One: Let's Talk About Sex, Baby (Part One)
Put down anything sharp, move breakables out of harm’s way, and prepare yourself...
WE’RE BACK....AGAIN *party hats and poppers galore*
We’ve returned with Season Three of Myth Dynamite (you’re welcome), and we’re starting with a biggie! We bring you the goddess of love herself – it’s APHRODITE *cue Meryl Streep’s exclamation at the end of Mamma Mia*.
In this, yes, double episode, we’ll be putting her back into her context and the long-standing Eastern tradition she came from. We’ll talk about how she even came to Greece and what she was really all about. Here, we’ll be focusing on Greek Aphrodite and saving Roman Venus for a later date. They’re just too juicy! Oh, and expect plenty of innuendo – some we’d like to apologise for in advance.