DiscoverBehind The Rolling Stone CoverEric Nam’s K-Pop Story is The American Dream | Behind The Rolling Stone Cover Ep. 11
Eric Nam’s K-Pop Story is The American Dream | Behind The Rolling Stone Cover Ep. 11

Eric Nam’s K-Pop Story is The American Dream | Behind The Rolling Stone Cover Ep. 11

Update: 2024-05-31


Eric Nam might not be a household name to every pop fan in the Western World. And that’s kind of the point for him, as he pulls up a seat next to Rolling Stone AU Editor-In-Chief Poppy Reid to talk about his atypical start on the path to stardom, and what it means navigating the austerity of the K-Pop industry as an American.

The Music Industry has, is, and will likely always be a difficult path for many. It can tear artists down as fast as it can confect stardom. And yet through all of its highs and lows, it will continue to offer opportunity for those whose talents, gumption, and business-minded tendencies will find a niche, and an audience.

Case in point—Korean/American crooner Eric Nam.

Behind The Rolling Stone Cover’ is sponsored by Shure, the premier choice for affordable, durable, and exceptional-sounding microphones. With a history of audio innovation spanning for almost a century, Shure has turned a passion for making great microphones into an unparalleled legacy of audio innovation.









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Eric Nam’s K-Pop Story is The American Dream | Behind The Rolling Stone Cover Ep. 11

Eric Nam’s K-Pop Story is The American Dream | Behind The Rolling Stone Cover Ep. 11

The Brag Media