DiscoverIron Sheep Ministries Inc.Exodus 31 Bible Study - The Tabernacle pt 7 - Appointment of the skilled workers - God’s Call
Exodus 31 Bible Study - The Tabernacle pt 7 - Appointment of the skilled workers - God’s Call

Exodus 31 Bible Study - The Tabernacle pt 7 - Appointment of the skilled workers - God’s Call

Update: 2024-07-31


In this Bible study, we are covering Exodus 31 in which we see God appoint the workers to build the Tabernacle and all its elements.  God appoints Bezalel as the lead and Oholiab as his assistant.  We talk about these two men and what we know about them from the scriptures.  Additionally, God ends Exodus 31 with a call to keep the Sabbath; we unpack why this is here and what it means.


00:05 - introduction and prayer

02:01 - Exodus 31.1-11 - Bezalel & Oholiab - God’s calling

04:43 - Who is Bezalele & Oholiab in the Bible?

04:21 - Bezalele (bᵊṣal'ēl) - בְּצַלְאֵל

His name means: “In the shadow of God” or “in the hand of God”

Ex 31.2, 35.30, 36.1-2, 37.1, 38.22, and 2 Chr 1.5

08:00 - Oholiab ('āhŏlî'āḇ) - אָהֳלִיאָב

His name means: “father’s tent”

Ex 31.6, 17, 35.34, 36.1-2, 38.23

10:09 - Why did God choose these two guys to build the Tabernacle?  Why did he call them out by name for the work?

12:23 Application: Answering God’s call in your life.

Phil 1.6, Heb 13.21, Jos 1.9, Ex 3.7-12, Isa 6.8, Gal 2.16, Rom 3.28, Jas 2.24, 26

27:56 - Exodus 31.7-10

  • Tent of Meeting (Ex 26)

  • Ark (Ex 25)

  • Table of Showbread(Ex 25)

  • Lampstand (Ex 25)

  • Altar of Incense (Ex 30)

  • Bronze Altar (Ex 27)

  • Bronze Basin (Ex 30)

  • Woven Garments (Ex 28-29)

  • Anointing oil & incense (Ex 30)

29:01 - Exodus 31.12-18 - The Sabbath

30.22 - Exodus 31.18 - God gives Moses the 10 commandments on stone tablets.  He has been up on Mount Saiani for a long time (Since Exodus 19, the last 12 chapters).  He has been receiving instructions from God (the 10 commandments - as well as the Book of the Covenant and the instruction for the Tabernacle and all its elements).

31:22 - The Sabbath

  • Ex 16 - 4x 

  • Ex 20 - 3x 

  • Ex 31 - 3x

  • Ex 35 - 2x 

34:59 - Ex 31.14 “Desecrate, Defileth, Profane” 

  • ḥālal  חָלַל

  • To pollute, desecrate, profane, or defile.  To violate the honor of or to treat as common.

  • Mark 2.27 - Jesus says, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.”

39:57 - Why was the Sabbath so important?  Why does God make such a big deal about it in Exodus 31?

It was a sign that Israel was following his call, and admitting that He is God and that He brought them out of bondage in Egypt.  It is showing God respect and following his call. 

43:27 - conclusions

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Past videos referenced: 

The Sabbath: Exodus 20.8-11 - the 4th commandment

Establishment of the Sabbath - Exodus 16

Short video:

Full video:

Books/resources used or referenced:

Dave reads from an NIV (New International Version) of the Bible.

Books used for the creation of this study:

Bonhoeffer, Dietrich.  The Cost of Discipleship.  New York, NY: Touchstone, 1995

Enns, Peter. The NIV Application Commentary, Exodus. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2000.

Tenney, Merrill.  New International Bible Dictionary.  Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1987.



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Exodus 31 Bible Study - The Tabernacle pt 7 - Appointment of the skilled workers - God’s Call

Exodus 31 Bible Study - The Tabernacle pt 7 - Appointment of the skilled workers - God’s Call

Dave Bigler