Extending the Sermon (with AI)

Extending the Sermon (with AI)

Update: 2024-02-26


Last year, we dipped our toes in the water of AI with an excellent primer from Kenny Jahng on what generative AI is, some ministry uses, and how to get started. Since then, I have personally used AI tools to help me refine and clarify my thoughts and writing, as a brainstorming partner in sermon prep, and I have even generated a few images for sermon series and church events.

Then, late last year, I ran across a new AI tool specifically tuned for ministry that seemed to offer many of the benefits AI offers – like saving time and bringing clarity – while also avoiding some of the potential pitfalls – like the AI just making things up. And for those of us specifically doing the work of church communications, this type of AI tool can help us streamline the repurposing of content your church is already generating week-in and week-out.

On this episode of the MyCom Church Marketing Podcast, we are talking about extending the sermon with the help of artificial intelligence. And we have the privilege of welcome the creator of one of these tools as well as a UMC pastor who is all in on discovering ways to use tech like this to make disciples.

Our guests today are Michael Whittle, the Founder and CEO of PulpitAI, as well as Rev. Chad Brooks, a UMC elder who wears many hats – from local church pastor to Conference Congregational Vitality Strategist to the guy behind the Productive Pastor extended universe.


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Extending the Sermon (with AI)

Extending the Sermon (with AI)

United Methodist Communications