DiscoverThere Are No Girls on the InternetFearless Fund, Black women’s entrepreneurship program, deemed “discriminatory” by court
Fearless Fund, Black women’s entrepreneurship program, deemed “discriminatory” by court

Fearless Fund, Black women’s entrepreneurship program, deemed “discriminatory” by court

Update: 2024-06-04


This episode of "There Are No Girls on the Internet" discusses the latest legal challenge brought by conservative activist Edward Blum, who is now targeting grant programs that support marginalized groups. Blum, known for his successful lawsuit against affirmative action, is suing two corporate law firms and the Fearless Fund, a venture capital firm that supports Black women entrepreneurs, on the grounds that their programs are discriminatory. The episode explores the history of Blum's legal challenges, including his previous lawsuit against the University of Texas at Austin, and the broader context of these challenges within the ongoing fight against systemic racism and inequality. The hosts discuss the impact of these legal challenges on marginalized communities, particularly Black women, and the need for greater awareness and support for organizations like the Fearless Fund. They also highlight the hypocrisy of companies and individuals who claim to support diversity and inclusion but fail to follow through with their commitments.



This Chapter introduces the topic of the episode, which is the latest legal challenge brought by conservative activist Edward Blum, who is now targeting grant programs that support marginalized groups. The hosts discuss the history of Blum's legal challenges, including his previous lawsuit against the University of Texas at Austin, and the broader context of these challenges within the ongoing fight against systemic racism and inequality.

Blum's Legal Challenges

This Chapter delves into the details of Blum's legal challenges, including his lawsuit against the Fearless Fund, a venture capital firm that supports Black women entrepreneurs. The hosts discuss the arguments made by Blum and the potential impact of these challenges on marginalized communities.

The Impact of Blum's Challenges

This Chapter explores the impact of Blum's legal challenges on marginalized communities, particularly Black women. The hosts discuss the statistics surrounding the lack of access to capital for Black women entrepreneurs and the importance of organizations like the Fearless Fund.

The Hypocrisy of Corporate Diversity Efforts

This Chapter examines the hypocrisy of companies and individuals who claim to support diversity and inclusion but fail to follow through with their commitments. The hosts discuss the backlash against corporate diversity efforts and the need for greater accountability from companies that make these promises.

The Function of Racism

This Chapter discusses the function of racism as a distraction, drawing on a quote from Toni Morrison. The hosts argue that these legal challenges are a distraction from the real work that needs to be done to address systemic racism and inequality.

Fearless Fund's Fight Back

This Chapter highlights the Fearless Fund's fight back against Blum's legal challenge. The hosts discuss the legal team assembled by the Fearless Fund and their commitment to fighting for the right to exist and support Black women entrepreneurs.


Edward Blum

Edward Blum is a conservative activist known for his legal challenges against affirmative action and other policies that promote diversity and inclusion. He is the founder and sole member of the Project on Fair Representation, an organization that focuses on voting, education, contracting, employment, racial quotas, and racial operations. Blum's legal challenges have been successful in striking down laws that protect marginalized groups, including the Voting Rights Act of 1965. He argues that all laws and public considerations should be race or identity neutral, but his critics argue that his efforts are designed to roll back the progress made in the civil rights era.

Fearless Fund

The Fearless Fund is a venture capital firm that supports Black women entrepreneurs. Founded in 2019 by Keisha Knight Pulliam, Arian Simone, and Iona Parsons, the Fearless Fund has invested in over 40 businesses in the past four years. The Fearless Fund's mission is to close the racial wealth gap by providing Black women entrepreneurs with access to capital, mentorship, and other resources. The Fearless Fund has been targeted by conservative activist Edward Blum, who is suing the firm on the grounds that its grant program is discriminatory.

Affirmative Action

Affirmative action is a set of policies and practices intended to increase opportunities in education and employment for people from historically disadvantaged groups. Affirmative action programs are designed to address the effects of past discrimination and create a more equitable society. However, affirmative action programs have been the subject of legal challenges, with some arguing that they are discriminatory against other groups. The Supreme Court recently struck down affirmative action in college admissions, a decision that has been met with mixed reactions.

Systemic Racism

Systemic racism is a form of racism that is embedded in the structures and institutions of society. It is a form of racism that is often invisible and unconscious, but it has a profound impact on the lives of people of color. Systemic racism can be seen in areas such as education, healthcare, housing, and the criminal justice system. It is a complex and multifaceted issue that requires a systemic approach to address.

Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and inclusion are important concepts that refer to the presence of people from different backgrounds and identities in a particular setting. Diversity and inclusion are often used interchangeably, but they are distinct concepts. Diversity refers to the presence of differences, while inclusion refers to the creation of an environment where everyone feels welcome, respected, and valued. Diversity and inclusion are essential for creating a more equitable and just society.


  • What is Edward Blum's latest legal challenge?

    Edward Blum is suing two corporate law firms and the Fearless Fund, a venture capital firm that supports Black women entrepreneurs, on the grounds that their programs are discriminatory.

  • What is the Fearless Fund?

    The Fearless Fund is a venture capital firm that supports Black women entrepreneurs. It provides access to capital, mentorship, and other resources to help Black women entrepreneurs succeed.

  • Why is Blum targeting the Fearless Fund?

    Blum claims that the Fearless Fund is practicing unlawful racial discrimination by operating a grant program that is only open to Black women.

  • What is the impact of Blum's legal challenges on marginalized communities?

    Blum's legal challenges have the potential to roll back progress made in the fight against systemic racism and inequality. They could limit access to opportunities for marginalized groups, particularly Black women.

  • What can be done to address the lack of access to capital for Black women entrepreneurs?

    There is a need for greater awareness and support for organizations like the Fearless Fund that are working to close the racial wealth gap. It is also important to address the systemic barriers that Black women entrepreneurs face, such as access to credit and mentorship.

  • What is the hypocrisy of companies and individuals who claim to support diversity and inclusion but fail to follow through with their commitments?

    Companies and individuals who make these promises but fail to follow through are contributing to the problem of systemic racism and inequality. They are also eroding trust in the movement for social justice.

  • What is the function of racism?

    Toni Morrison describes the function of racism as a distraction. It keeps people from doing the work that needs to be done to address systemic racism and inequality.

  • How is the Fearless Fund fighting back against Blum's legal challenge?

    The Fearless Fund has assembled a beefy legal team, including the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, Gibson Dunn, and Ben Crump, the attorney who represented the families of George Floyd and Tyre Nichols in their civil suits.

  • What is the broader significance of Blum's legal challenges?

    Blum's legal challenges are part of a larger effort to roll back the progress made in the civil rights era. They represent a threat to the rights and opportunities of marginalized groups.

  • What can individuals do to support organizations like the Fearless Fund?

    Individuals can support organizations like the Fearless Fund by donating, volunteering, and spreading awareness about their work. They can also support Black women entrepreneurs by purchasing their products and services.

Show Notes

Grant program for Black women business owners is discriminatory, appeals court rules:

Fearless Fund is a Black woman-led venture capital firm that offers investment, financial support, and mentorship to Black women-owned businesses. 

But they are under attack for providing support for traditionally marginalized entrepreneurs.

Edward Blum, the professional hater at the heart of the Supreme Court’s legal challenge of affirmative action, is suing them for what he says is racial discrimination.

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Fearless Fund, Black women’s entrepreneurship program, deemed “discriminatory” by court

Fearless Fund, Black women’s entrepreneurship program, deemed “discriminatory” by court
