Food for Thought: Nutrition and Mental Health with Dr Scott Teasdale
Dr Scott Teasdale is an Accredited Practising Dietitian and Postdoctoral Research Fellow with UNSW Sydney, within the Mindgardens Neuroscience Network in Australia.
As a clinical dietitian and researcher, he helped build a dietetic service (as part of a broader lifestyle program) from pilot to routine clinical care across a mental health service in Sydney.
Dr Teasdale currently focuses on a broad range of real world effectiveness and implementation research that aim to reduce the health disparities experienced by people living with mental illness. In this interview Scott shares his research insights on the relationship between nutrition and mental health. We hope you enjoy the podcast.
Resources and research mentioned in this podcast:
International Society of Nutritional Psychiatry
Food and Mood Centre Australia
Mörkl et al., (2021): An Apple a Day’?: Psychiatrists, Psychologists and Psychotherapists Report Poor Literacy for Nutritional Medicine: International Survey Spanning 52 Countries.
Watkins et al., (2020): Keeping the body in mind: A qualitative analysis of the experiences of people experiencing first-episode psychosis participating in a lifestyle intervention programme.
Rosenbaum et al., (2020): Changing health workforce attitudes to promote improved physical health in mental health service users: Keeping our Staff in Mind (KoSiM).
Teasdale et al., (2017): Solving a weighty problem: Systematic review and meta-analysis of nutrition interventions in severe mental illness.
Teasdale et al., (2016): A nutrition intervention is effective in improving dietary components linked to cardiometabolic risk in youth with first-episode psychosis.