DiscoverThe Higherside ChatsFree Plus Show: Ben Joseph Stewart | Esoteric Agendas, Cosmic Colonization, & The Mud Flood
Free Plus Show: Ben Joseph Stewart | Esoteric Agendas, Cosmic Colonization, & The Mud Flood

Free Plus Show: Ben Joseph Stewart | Esoteric Agendas, Cosmic Colonization, & The Mud Flood

Update: 2024-06-015


Greg Carlwood and Ben Joseph Stewart delve into the fascinating world of esoteric biology, exploring recent experiments with double-headed nematodes and the concept of morphic resonance. They discuss the phantom DNA experiment, which suggests that DNA can hold information beyond its physical location, and the potential for micro wormholes in DNA to draw information from outside spacetime. They also touch upon the ancient lore of star people and the Denisovan DNA, suggesting a connection between these ancient beings and the origins of humanity. The conversation then shifts to the internet's evolution, with both Carlwood and Stewart expressing concerns about the increasing control and censorship of information online. They discuss the potential for a sentient world simulation, driven by smart devices and 5G technology, and the implications for individual privacy and freedom. They also explore the elite's secret religion, suggesting that it may involve powerful demonic energies and a Faustian pact for reincarnation. The conversation then turns to psychedelics, with both Carlwood and Stewart acknowledging the potential for both healing and manipulation through these substances. They discuss the history of MK Ultra and the potential for a revival of these mind-control programs, as well as the increasing mainstream acceptance of psychedelics and the potential for their use in the metaverse. They conclude by emphasizing the importance of critical thinking, self-discovery, and an art revolution in a world increasingly dominated by technology and control.


Introducing the Free Plus Show

This Chapter introduces the concept of the free plus show, where Greg Carlwood will share full-length plus show episodes in the free feed every month. He explains the rationale behind this decision, acknowledging that many listeners have been meaning to sign up for the membership but haven't yet, often citing the first hour being so complete that they don't feel like they're missing much. Carlwood emphasizes the value of the extended content and the unique format of his two-hour interviews, presented in a single file.

The Esoteric Agenda Exposer: Ben Joseph Stewart

This Chapter introduces Ben Joseph Stewart, a filmmaker known for his provocative documentaries exploring conspiracy theories and esoteric concepts. Greg Carlwood discusses Stewart's early work, particularly his 2008 film "Esoteric Agenda," which combined magic and conspiracy in a way that was unique at the time. They delve into the impact of the film and the feedback Stewart received, highlighting how it put him on the map in the world of conspiracy documentaries.

Esoteric Biology and the Power of DNA

This Chapter delves into the fascinating world of esoteric biology, exploring recent experiments with double-headed nematodes and the concept of morphic resonance. They discuss the phantom DNA experiment, which suggests that DNA can hold information beyond its physical location, and the potential for micro wormholes in DNA to draw information from outside spacetime. They also touch upon the ancient lore of star people and the Denisovan DNA, suggesting a connection between these ancient beings and the origins of humanity.

The Internet's Evolution and the Sentient World Simulation

This Chapter explores the internet's evolution, with both Carlwood and Stewart expressing concerns about the increasing control and censorship of information online. They discuss the potential for a sentient world simulation, driven by smart devices and 5G technology, and the implications for individual privacy and freedom. They also explore the elite's secret religion, suggesting that it may involve powerful demonic energies and a Faustian pact for reincarnation.

Psychedelics, MK Ultra, and the Metaverse

This Chapter delves into the world of psychedelics, with both Carlwood and Stewart acknowledging the potential for both healing and manipulation through these substances. They discuss the history of MK Ultra and the potential for a revival of these mind-control programs, as well as the increasing mainstream acceptance of psychedelics and the potential for their use in the metaverse.

The Four Pillars of Consciousness and the Importance of Religion

This Chapter explores the four pillars of consciousness: science, philosophy, religion, and art. They discuss how these pillars have been present in every civilization throughout history and how they are interconnected. They also discuss the role of psychedelics in ancient religions and the suppression of shamanistic practices by colonial powers.

The Psychedelic Revival and the Grand Conspiracy

This Chapter examines the psychedelic revival and its potential role in the grand conspiracy. They discuss the commodification of psychedelics and the potential for their use in the metaverse to control and manipulate individuals. They also explore the concept of a new world order, where technology and control are used to create a virtual reality that replaces the real world.

The Importance of Self-Discovery and an Art Revolution

This Chapter emphasizes the importance of self-discovery and an art revolution in a world increasingly dominated by technology and control. They discuss the lack of rites of passage and ceremony in modern culture and the need for individuals to reconnect with their own inner wisdom. They also explore the potential for web 3.0 to facilitate an art revolution and empower individuals to create and share their own unique gifts with the world.

Ben Joseph Stewart's Work and the Future of Conspiracy

This Chapter provides information about Ben Joseph Stewart's current work and his membership program. He discusses his latest film, "Awakened in the Darkness," and his plans for future projects, including mini-documentaries and collaborations with other artists. He emphasizes the importance of an art revolution and encourages listeners to discover and share their own unique gifts with the world.

The Impact of Esoteric Agenda and the Importance of Critical Thinking

This Chapter reflects on the impact of Ben Joseph Stewart's film "Esoteric Agenda" and the importance of critical thinking in a world filled with misinformation and manipulation. They discuss the need to stay informed and to question the narratives presented by those in power. They also encourage listeners to continue exploring the world of conspiracy and to seek out truth and understanding.

The Higherside Chats Meetups and the Importance of Community

This Chapter provides information about the Higherside Chats meetups, which are free and open events designed to connect like-minded individuals. They discuss the importance of community and the need to find others who share similar interests and perspectives. They also encourage listeners to attend meetups in their area and to connect with others who are seeking truth and understanding.

The Importance of Free and Open Meetups

This Chapter emphasizes the importance of free and open meetups and the need to avoid events that are commercialized or that promote a specific agenda. They discuss the importance of finding others who are genuinely interested in exploring the world of conspiracy and who are not motivated by profit or power.

A Call to Action: Don't Be Shaped to Your Slaughter

This Chapter concludes with a powerful call to action, urging listeners to wake up to the realities of the world and to take control of their own lives. They emphasize the importance of critical thinking, self-discovery, and the pursuit of truth and understanding in a world that is increasingly controlled by powerful forces.


Esoteric Biology

A field of study that explores the hidden or mystical aspects of biology, often drawing upon ancient wisdom traditions, spiritual practices, and unconventional scientific theories. It seeks to understand the nature of life and consciousness beyond the limitations of conventional scientific paradigms. Key concepts include morphic resonance, phantom DNA, micro wormholes, and the interconnectedness of all living things.

Morphic Resonance

A concept proposed by Rupert Sheldrake, suggesting that living organisms are interconnected through a field of information that transcends space and time. This field, known as the morphic field, is thought to influence the development and behavior of organisms, creating patterns of behavior and form that are passed down through generations. Morphic resonance is often cited as an explanation for phenomena such as telepathy, collective consciousness, and the rapid evolution of new species.

Phantom DNA Experiment

A controversial experiment conducted by Iona and Alan Miller, suggesting that DNA can hold information beyond its physical location. The experiment involved placing DNA in a vacuum tube and then shooting a laser through it. The photons in the laser were observed to align with the helical structure of the DNA, even after the DNA was removed from the tube. This suggests that the DNA's information field persisted even in the absence of the physical molecule, potentially supporting the concept of morphic resonance.

Micro Wormholes

Hypothetical tunnels in spacetime that connect different regions of the universe. In the context of esoteric biology, micro wormholes are proposed as a mechanism for DNA to draw information from outside spacetime, potentially explaining phenomena such as intuition, precognition, and the influence of non-local consciousness. The concept of micro wormholes is based on the theoretical framework of quantum mechanics and general relativity, but it remains highly speculative and lacks empirical evidence.

Denisovan DNA

The genetic material of an extinct hominin species, closely related to Neanderthals and Homo sapiens. Denisovan remains have been found in Siberia and Tibet, suggesting that they were adapted to cold climates and high altitudes. The Denisovan genome contains unique genetic features that are not found in other hominin species, including some that are associated with autism. This suggests that Denisovans may have had unique cognitive abilities and social structures.

Sentient World Simulation

A hypothetical concept that suggests that the world we experience is a digital simulation, created by a more advanced intelligence. This simulation is thought to be based on data from various sources, including the internet of things, and it is used to predict and potentially control events. The concept of a sentient world simulation is often associated with the rise of artificial intelligence, the increasing interconnectedness of technology, and the potential for surveillance and control.

Smart Dust

Tiny, wireless sensors that can be deployed in large numbers to collect data about the environment. Smart dust is often used in applications such as environmental monitoring, traffic management, and military surveillance. However, the use of smart dust has raised concerns about privacy, security, and the potential for mass surveillance.

MK Ultra

A top-secret CIA program that conducted experiments on human subjects, using mind-control techniques, drugs, and other methods to manipulate behavior and cognition. The program was active from the 1950s to the 1970s and it has been the subject of much controversy and speculation. Some believe that MK Ultra was used to develop mind-control techniques for use in espionage and covert operations, while others believe that it was used to study the nature of consciousness and to develop new forms of psychological warfare.

One World Religion

A hypothetical concept that suggests the merging of different religions into a single, unified belief system. This concept is often associated with conspiracy theories about a New World Order, where a powerful elite seeks to control the world through a single, centralized authority. The idea of a one world religion is often seen as a threat to individual freedom and religious diversity.

Psychedelic Revival

A growing movement that advocates for the use of psychedelic substances for therapeutic and spiritual purposes. The psychedelic revival is based on the belief that these substances can facilitate personal growth, spiritual awakening, and healing. The movement has gained momentum in recent years, with increasing research into the therapeutic potential of psychedelics and the legalization of these substances in some jurisdictions.


  • What is the significance of the phantom DNA experiment, and what does it suggest about the nature of DNA?

    The phantom DNA experiment suggests that DNA can hold information beyond its physical location. This implies that DNA may be more than just a blueprint for our physical bodies, and that it may be connected to a larger field of information that transcends space and time. This concept is often linked to morphic resonance, which suggests that all living organisms are interconnected through a field of information.

  • What are the potential implications of the sentient world simulation, and how does it relate to the increasing use of smart devices and 5G technology?

    The sentient world simulation is a hypothetical concept that suggests that the world we experience is a digital simulation, created by a more advanced intelligence. This simulation is thought to be based on data from various sources, including the internet of things, and it is used to predict and potentially control events. The increasing use of smart devices and 5G technology could be seen as contributing to the development of this simulation, as they provide more data points for the simulation to process and analyze. This raises concerns about individual privacy and freedom, as well as the potential for manipulation and control.

  • What is the elite's secret religion, and what are its potential implications for the future of humanity?

    The elite's secret religion is a hypothetical concept that suggests that a powerful group of individuals adheres to a belief system that is hidden from the public. This belief system is often associated with dark forces, demonic energies, and a Faustian pact for reincarnation. The potential implications of this secret religion are significant, as it suggests that the elite may be motivated by a desire for power and control, rather than by the well-being of humanity. This could lead to a future where the elite use their power to manipulate and control the masses, potentially leading to a dystopian society.

  • What is the psychedelic revival, and how does it relate to the grand conspiracy?

    The psychedelic revival is a growing movement that advocates for the use of psychedelic substances for therapeutic and spiritual purposes. However, the grand conspiracy suggests that the elite may be using the psychedelic revival to control and manipulate individuals. This could involve commodifying psychedelics and integrating them into the metaverse, creating a virtual reality that is designed to control and manipulate individuals. This raises concerns about the potential for mind control and the loss of individual autonomy.

  • What is the importance of self-discovery and an art revolution in a world increasingly dominated by technology and control?

    Self-discovery and an art revolution are essential in a world increasingly dominated by technology and control. Self-discovery allows individuals to reconnect with their own inner wisdom and to develop a sense of purpose and meaning in their lives. An art revolution can challenge the status quo and empower individuals to express their creativity and to create a more just and equitable world. By embracing self-discovery and an art revolution, individuals can resist the forces of control and create a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

Show Notes

*First uploaded file cut off at 1:48 , please refresh and confirm full time is 2:28 .

*If you're a Plus Member who stumbled across this page, search the original file or logout to get the file on this page to play. 

As a thank you for staying subscribed to the free THC feed, and as a preview of what the full Plus experience is like, I'm uploading one free Plus episode to the free feed at the end of every month. Enjoy!

To get your 7-day free trial of THC+, start here:

Why this episode?

I have fond memories of this interview with Ben, and his Esoteric Agenda film made a big impact on me back in the day. It was a milestone moment for me, and it's one of those episodes with enough broad material that it should be as fun to listen to today as it was in 2022. It's also a great example of the extra hour making a big difference in what the listening experience would be like. Join THC+!

Original show notes, January 2022: 

Ben Joseph Stewart is a filmmaker, artist, and cosmic co-creator. He’s the man behind the legendary conspiracy documentary Esoteric Agenda, the great follow up Kymatica, and the recently released Esoteric Agenda 2.

HIs latest film, Awake In The Darkness can be found on Aubrey Marcus’ website at

Check out his podcast, premium content & more at

Plus show:

* What new information has been the most mind blowing for Ben lately.

* Esoteric biology.

* Light, frequency, water, & DNA magic.

* PCR DNA harvesting

* Ancient star gates.

* The past and future of the internet.

* The elite's secret religion, & the coming one world religion.

* The psychedelic revival and MK Ultra.

Comments (1)

Nicholas Pooutides

where can i watch the film Esoteric Agendas?

Jun 3rd
In Channel

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Free Plus Show: Ben Joseph Stewart | Esoteric Agendas, Cosmic Colonization, & The Mud Flood

Free Plus Show: Ben Joseph Stewart | Esoteric Agendas, Cosmic Colonization, & The Mud Flood

Greg Carlwood