DiscoverThe TWIML AI Podcast (formerly This Week in Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence)Genie: Generative Interactive Environments with Ashley Edwards - #696
Genie: Generative Interactive Environments with Ashley Edwards - #696

Genie: Generative Interactive Environments with Ashley Edwards - #696

Update: 2024-08-051


The podcast begins by discussing the common challenge enterprises face in transitioning from Gen AI proof of concepts to real-world deployments. It introduces Motific, an AI innovation from Cisco's Outshift Incubation Engine, as a potential solution. Motific is a model and vendor-agnostic solution that accelerates the deployment of AI applications, particularly those based on large language models (LLMs), by addressing security, trust, compliance, and cost concerns. The podcast then features an interview with Ashley Edwards, a technical staff member at RunwayML, who discusses her work on Genie, a novel approach to unsupervised video generation for reinforcement learning. Genie learns a world model from videos without requiring actions, enabling interaction with environments generated from images, sketches, or real-world photos. It consists of three main components: a latent action model, a dynamics model, and a video tokenizer. The latent action model learns actions from videos, the dynamics model predicts future frames, and the video tokenizer converts video frames into tokens. The podcast explores the broader implications of Genie beyond reinforcement learning, highlighting its potential applications in education, creative tools, and interactive media. It also discusses the challenges and future directions for Genie, including improving inference speed and exploring its use in creating playable games.


Bridging the Gap Between Gen AI Proof of Concept and Real-World Deployment

This chapter discusses the challenges enterprises face in deploying Gen AI solutions and introduces Motific, an AI innovation from Cisco's Outshift Incubation Engine, as a potential solution. Motific addresses security, trust, compliance, and cost concerns to accelerate the deployment of AI applications.

Genie: Unsupervised Video Generation for Reinforcement Learning

This chapter features an interview with Ashley Edwards, a technical staff member at RunwayML, who discusses her work on Genie, a novel approach to unsupervised video generation for reinforcement learning. Genie learns a world model from videos without requiring actions, enabling interaction with environments generated from images, sketches, or real-world photos.

Broader Implications and Future Directions of Genie

This chapter explores the broader implications of Genie beyond reinforcement learning, highlighting its potential applications in education, creative tools, and interactive media. It also discusses the challenges and future directions for Genie, including improving inference speed and exploring its use in creating playable games.


Gen AI

Generative AI, also known as generative artificial intelligence, refers to a type of AI that can create new content, such as text, images, audio, video, and code. It learns patterns from existing data and uses them to generate similar but novel outputs.


Motific is an AI innovation developed by Cisco's Outshift Incubation Engine. It is a model and vendor-agnostic solution that accelerates the deployment of AI applications, particularly those based on large language models (LLMs), by addressing security, trust, compliance, and cost concerns.


Genie is a novel approach to unsupervised video generation for reinforcement learning developed by Ashley Edwards. It learns a world model from videos without requiring actions, enabling interaction with environments generated from images, sketches, or real-world photos.

Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement learning is a type of machine learning where an agent learns to interact with an environment by receiving rewards for desired actions and penalties for undesired actions. It aims to find an optimal policy that maximizes cumulative rewards over time.

World Model

A world model in reinforcement learning is a representation of the environment that allows an agent to predict the consequences of its actions. It can be used to plan future actions, learn from past experiences, and improve decision-making.


RunwayML is a company that develops and provides tools for creative professionals to use AI for video generation, image editing, and other creative tasks.


  • What is the main challenge that enterprises face in deploying Gen AI solutions?

    Enterprises struggle to bridge the gap between Gen AI proof of concepts and real-world deployments, often facing challenges related to security, trust, compliance, and cost.

  • How does Motific address these challenges?

    Motific is a model and vendor-agnostic solution that accelerates the deployment of AI applications by addressing security, trust, compliance, and cost risks faced by enterprises.

  • What is Genie and what makes it unique?

    Genie is a novel approach to unsupervised video generation for reinforcement learning. It learns a world model from videos without requiring actions, enabling interaction with environments generated from images, sketches, or real-world photos.

  • What are the broader implications of Genie beyond reinforcement learning?

    Genie has potential applications in education, creative tools, and interactive media. It can be used to create simulations for learning, provide creative tools for artists, and develop new forms of interactive media.

  • What are the challenges and future directions for Genie?

    Challenges include improving inference speed and exploring its use in creating playable games. Future directions involve exploring more efficient video representations, integrating diffusion models, and developing end-to-end training approaches.

Show Notes

Today, we're joined by Ashley Edwards, a member of technical staff at Runway, to discuss Genie: Generative Interactive Environments, a system for creating ‘playable’ video environments for training deep reinforcement learning (RL) agents at scale in a completely unsupervised manner. We explore the motivations behind Genie, the challenges of data acquisition for RL, and Genie’s capability to learn world models from videos without explicit action data, enabling seamless interaction and frame prediction. Ashley walks us through Genie’s core components—the latent action model, video tokenizer, and dynamics model—and explains how these elements collaborate to predict future frames in video sequences. We discuss the model architecture, training strategies, benchmarks used, as well as the application of spatiotemporal transformers and the MaskGIT techniques used for efficient token prediction and representation. Finally, we touched on Genie’s practical implications, its comparison to other video generation models like “Sora,” and potential future directions in video generation and diffusion models.

The complete show notes for this episode can be found at

In Channel

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Genie: Generative Interactive Environments with Ashley Edwards - #696

Genie: Generative Interactive Environments with Ashley Edwards - #696

Sam Charrington