GrantTalk Ep 33 | How Grants Empower Tourism at the Tillamook Coast Visitors Association | Nan Devlin
🎙️ **Empowering Tourism: A Conversation with the Tillamook Coast Visitors Association**
What’s the secret to boosting tourism and community growth?
Join Libby Hikind, founder of GrantWatch, as she chats with Nan Devlin, Executive Director of the Tillamook Coast Visitors Association. Discover how innovative use of lodging tax revenues has transformed this stunning Oregon coastal destination with new signage, tourism facilities, and marketing strategies. Nan will share valuable insights on grant management and creating a sustainable economic model. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to turn a coastal gem into a thriving tourist hub!
💡 What You’ll Learn:
✨ Grant Opportunities: Dive into their three grant programs: - Tourism Signage Grants (Ongoing)
- Tourism Facilities Grants ($6M awarded in 9 years)
- Marketing Grants ($1.2M awarded in 9 years)
✨ Tourism Transformation: How a 10% lodging tax-funded roads, parks, and cultural hubs while supporting local businesses.
✨ Grant Writing Tips: Key strategies for aligning proposals with funder expectations to boost approval chances.
✨ Food Trail Innovation: Learn about Tillamook’s involvement in the North Coast Food Trail and Partners for Rural Food Systems.
📌 Featured Grants:
➡️ Tourism Facilities Grant:
➡️ Tourism Marketing Grant:
Explore more funding opportunities like these at:
Visit The Tillamook Coast Visitors Association at:
🚀 Don’t miss this inspirational conversation packed with actionable advice for nonprofits, municipalities, and businesses looking to grow through tourism funding.
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