DiscoverDr. Nehemia Gordon - Bible Scholar at NehemiasWall.comHebrew Voices #199 – Are we in the last days?
Hebrew Voices #199 – Are we in the last days?

Hebrew Voices #199 – Are we in the last days?

Update: 2024-08-28


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In this episode of Hebrew Voices #199, Are We in the Last Days?, Nehemia obeys a dream to interview Joseph Dumond about his end-times predictions tied to the Sabbatical and Jubilee cycles.

I look forward to reading your comments!

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Hebrew Voices #199 – Are we in the last days?

You are listening to Hebrew Voices with Nehemia Gordon. Thank you for supporting Nehemia Gordon's Makor Hebrew Foundation. Learn more at

Nehemia: Shalom and welcome to a live episode of Hebrew Voices. I guess that’s what this is. I am here with Joe Dumond. Joe Dumond… I would describe as… well, I’ll let him describe himself. But the last Hebrew Voice I did with him was called “2300 Days of Hell,” if I remember correctly, and then we did a very short conversation. It was about a week or so, I believe, before October 7th, or the Hamas genocide invasion. And you made some kind of statement there about how catastrophic things are going to happen. “The sky is falling.” Those are my words, right? “Black swan event.” And I thought, “Yeah, right. When does that ever happen? Never in my lifetime. Not to this degree,” and beyond any expectation, happens. So, here I am with Joe Dumond. Shalom Joe.

Joe: Yeah. The last time we met, you were telling us… I was having an Erev Shabbat with you and your sister and her family.

Nehemia: Yeah.

Joe: I think that was a week… a week before October 7th.

Nehemia: Right, that sounds about right. And people can go see that, I think, on YouTube or TikTok or someplace like that. I don’t remember where we were streaming.

Joe: Yeah. What you said… you said, “You want to do an interview?” I said, “Sure, let’s get together.” And then you invite me for supper, and you go for a walk, and you pull out your phone. And… is this the interview?

Nehemia: I guess it was. It was. It was very… what’s the word?

Joe: Impromptu.

Nehemia: It was impromptu, which I guess all my interviews… well, not all, but… This one is sort of impromptu as well. And I’ll just tell the audience that I had a dream two nights ago, and I woke up from the dream, and you were in the dream. You were center of the dream. And I had, I would say, a feeling in my heart that I was supposed to bring you on the program and talk about whatever you wanted to talk about. That was my takeaway from the dream. You know how many times I’ve had that happen with interviews? This is the first one. So, I’m like, I don’t… we’re in uncharted territory. I don’t know where we’re going with this…

Joe: You were looking for… so, you… when you told that to me… So, here’s the email Nehemia sends me. “You want to do a podcast?” No, “How are you?” “How is your wife?” “How you been?” “What have you been doing?” “What do you do?” Just, “You wanna do a podcast?”

Nehemia: That’s partly my autism, that I skip all the niceties. Don’t be offended by that.

Joe: That’s… Nehemia, I’m not offended. And I’m saying, “What? Oh, yeah, of course I want to do a podcast with you. That’s a silly question.” So, I write back, “Okay, where, and what subject?” And then he tells me about this dream. And how can I refuse a dream that God tells him to have an interview with me? So, what are we going to talk about?

Nehemia: And I don’t want to say that I heard an audible voice like Abimelech in Genesis 14, “Go to Joe, for he is a prophet…” No, that wasn’t what happened. It was just the kind of feeling… the feeling I had at the end of this is, I don’t know what this is about, this is really weird. But it seems like Joe has a message that he’s supposed to communicate, and I’m supposed to help convey that.

So, I’m going to let you talk. By the way, I’m also kind of losing my voice… I’m kind of losing my voice. I’ve been in the hospital a couple times with some allergic issues. So, all the more reason to let you talk.

Joe: How’s your health been?

Nehemia: My health is great when the doctors don’t put me in the hospital. This was entirely doctor induced, so…

Joe: Okay.

Nehemia: But anyway…

Joe: I’m heading to… I’m heading to see the cardiologist here in two weeks, so…

Nehemia: Okay. Wow.

Joe: We’re all getting older.

Nehemia: Alright, yeah, we are. Yeah, well, I’ll be praying for you. So, Joe, what message would you like to share with the audience about anything that’s on your heart?

Joe: I’m kind of scared, because if this is a dream, Yehovah set this up. And I believe He has. You and I first met… do you remember the first time we met?

Nehemia: I remember we were walking outside of Zion’s Gate in that little narrow thing between the two walls. Th









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Hebrew Voices #199 – Are we in the last days?

Nehemia Gordon

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