DiscoverDr. Nehemia Gordon - Bible Scholar at NehemiasWall.comHebrew Voices #200 – Nasrallah and the Samson Option
Hebrew Voices #200 – Nasrallah and the Samson Option

Hebrew Voices #200 – Nasrallah and the Samson Option

Update: 2024-10-02


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Join Nehemia and Lynell for the 200th episode of Hebrew Voices, Nasrallah and the Samson Option to hear how he stole her coffee, the profound biblical message in the death of Hassan Nasrallah, and why the biblical story of Samson strikes fear into the hearts of modern Muslims.

I look forward to reading your comments!

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Hebrew Voices #200 – Nasrallah and the Samson Option

You are listening to Hebrew Voices with Nehemia Gordon. Thank you for supporting Nehemia Gordon's Makor Hebrew Foundation. Learn more at

Nehemia: Who would have expected this? If you would have told anybody on October 6th that in less than a year, Hassan Nasrallah would be killed by Israel, and the Arabs would be praising Netanyahu… you couldn’t sell this as a Hollywood movie. It would be considered unrealistic. But there it’s happening. I mean, this is God performing miracles.

Shalom, and welcome to Hebrew Voices. This is the 200th episode! And I have a really exciting announcement, that Israel has eliminated the arch terrorist Hassan Nasrallah, which I can’t even believe that I’m able to announce this wonderful news, and hopefully more news soon, in the same vein. We’re going to talk about this and how this will lead us into a little bit of a biblical study. And before we get to that… 200th episode of Hebrew Voices.

I just want to share something about… we’re going to talk about how you came to be on Hebrew Voices, Lynell, my wife, but before that, I just want to talk about… and I’ve told this story many times, of why I started Hebrew Voices. I spoke at this church in West Texas, a messianic church, and there were seven people there. Keith was there as well, so seven, not including me and him, so nine altogether. We didn’t even have a minyan, a prayer quorum in Jewish tradition. And at the end, the pastor came to me, and he said, “This was wonderful. If I’d have known this is what you were going to say, I would have told the congregation you were coming.” And he had hidden from the congregation that I was coming, and the only people who knew about it were people who had heard about it from me. And he was afraid to hear what we had to say until he heard it. And it got me thinking, “What are all those Hebrew voices out there that people are afraid to hear?” And we’re going to hear some of those voices. Today we’re going to hear some Arabic voices as well about Hebrew subjects.

Oh, before we get started, Lynell, you have a wonderful story of… it’s not how we met, it’s like, I think maybe our third meeting. Can you tell that story? It was near Houston, Texas. I want to say, Katy, maybe. It’s when I was recording what eventually became one of my Support Team Studies called, “The Great I Am Revealed.”

Lynell: Is that when you stole my coffee?

Nehemia: That’s the story you tell. That’s your reality. So, why don’t you tell that story? And so, the background of this is that when I… and actually, on this particular occasion, I spoke for seven hours with a few breaks. And I told the people that when the coffee ends, so does the teaching. And I said to them, “You guys have to keep bringing me coffee because I’m going to be up on stage.” So, speaking of coffee, tell your story.

Lynell: So, I was traveling in that area. I had to fly in that area anyway. And so, you were speaking, and I was like, “Let’s go.” So, I got there, and… great teaching. It was very interesting. In the middle, when you began to stop, I was like, “I’m headed to Starbucks. I need, I need caffeine to stay attentive.” It’s a lot of material that comes at you when you have that length of teaching. So, I went to Starbucks, hurried up in my car, got in line, got my coffee, didn’t even have a chance to drink it. I picked it up in my hand and I was like sitting in the third row, and you’d already started back. And so, I came in with my coffee and I’m walking to my seat, and all of a sudden Nehemia talks. He points to me, he said, “Is that my coffee?” And I was like, “Yes, that’s your coffee.” So, I came back, and I gave him my coffee. That’s the coffee story.

Nehemia: I first heard the story when we went on our first date, and you said, “You owe me coffee.” I said, “Why do I owe you coffee?” Because I didn’t remember this. Here’s the crazy thing, this is unbelievable; we actually have video footage of this happening.

Lynell: Wow.

Nehemia: Because we recorded that whole seven hours, or as much of it… until the batteries ran out, or the tape ran out, or, you know, video file, like SD cards or whatever. And I asked our editor, Danilo, who is in Serbia, I said, “Do you have the original raw files?” Because what’s been put on the website is edited. I mean, me like, you know, tucking in my pants, that’s not going to be there. Actually, it’s literally one example. So, I was able to get the original raw footage. This is real, guys!

Lynell: Oh, wow.

Nehemia: This is the era we live in, where there’s raw footage of…

Lynell: Of everything. Wow, I can’t believe that’s on video.

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Hebrew Voices #200 – Nasrallah and the Samson Option

Nehemia Gordon

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