DiscoverDr. Nehemia Gordon - Bible Scholar at NehemiasWall.comHebrew Voices #204 – Safeguarding History: Part 1
Hebrew Voices #204 – Safeguarding History: Part 1

Hebrew Voices #204 – Safeguarding History: Part 1

Update: 2024-11-27


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In this brand new episode of Hebrew Voices #204, Safeguarding History Part 1, Nehemia speaks with collectibles expert Leven Parker who makes a case for the private ownership of artifacts and manuscripts over libraries and museums. They discuss the important role of chain of custody, and the present - and potential future - dangers of historical documents in government hands.

I look forward to reading your comments!

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Hebrew Voices #204 – Safeguarding History: Part 1

You are listening to Hebrew Voices with Nehemia Gordon. Thank you for supporting Nehemia Gordon's Makor Hebrew Foundation. Learn more at

You are listening to Hebrew Voices with Nehemia Gordon. Thank you for supporting Nehemia Gordon's Makor Hebrew Foundation. Learn more at

Leven: There’s this impression that the best way to protect anything is through institutions and museums. And that’s just not true, and history has not borne that out.

Nehemia: Shalom and welcome to Hebrew Voices! I’m here with TikTok creator Leven Parker, who makes videos advocating and educating on collecting. He has a focus on stamps, and I guess I would call him an expert on philatelic matters. What’s that word, Leven?

Leven: You got it, buddy! You did it right!

Nehemia: Is that right?

Leven: You got it right!

Nehemia: What do you call stamp collecting? There’s a big word I can’t say.

Leven: Philately is…

Nehemia: That one!

Leven: Yes, yes!

Nehemia: Alright! So, this is a little bit off topic for me, and I’ll just put it out there, something that you said to me when I asked you to do the interview. You said, “Look, I’m not an expert on Hebrew stuff or manuscripts.”

Leven: Yeah.

Nehemia: So, I’ll just put that out there. I saw a really interesting video that you did where you advocated for the importance of private collections. And the reason I was interested in that is that my main focus right now is Hebrew Bible manuscripts. And most of the important Hebrew Bible manuscripts are in public collections such as museums and libraries. But most of them started out in private collections, and then gradually over time became part of public collections.

And I had one particular colleague who said, “All those private collectors, their collections should be nationalized,” this person is European, “and they should become the domain of the state.” So, you made a really interesting case for private collections; not talking about manuscripts, but in general. And I was like, “Wow, I’ve never heard such a good case made for private collecting.” I want you to share that, just because. I don’t know if anybody else will be interested in this, but I’m interested in this.

Leven: Yeah, well I appreciate that. That’s one of those videos that didn’t do well, necessarily, compared to some of my other videos, but it was really one of my personal favorites. Because I think it’s a discussion that desperately needs to be had, because there’s this impression that the best way to protect anything is through institutions and museums. And that’s just not true, and history has not borne that out. I mean, when you have major cultural destructions, it’s because you have all of these items that are gathered in one place, and so, they’re vulnerable just because o









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Hebrew Voices #204 – Safeguarding History: Part 1

Nehemia Gordon

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