Hebrew Voices #208 – Trump in Prophecy

Hebrew Voices #208 – Trump in Prophecy

Update: 2025-01-15


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In this episode of Hebrew Voices #208: Trump in Prophecy, Nehemia speaks with Joe Dumond about how the end-times of Daniel 9 might play out in the coming years, an unexpected resurrection, and how the 10 gods of Egypt relate to the troubled era in which we live.

I look forward to reading your comments!

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Hebrew Voices #208 – Trump in Prophecy

You are listening to Hebrew Voices with Nehemia Gordon. Thank you for supporting Nehemia Gordon's Makor Hebrew Foundation. Learn more at NehemiasWall.com.

Joe: The 70th week of Daniel started in 1996. This is the final 120th Jubilee cycle since…

Nehemia: It’s the final countdown!”

Joe: But it’s not the end.

Nehemia: I don’t know the words! Yeah, go ahead. It’s not the end, no.

Joe: We go into the 7th millennium after 2044.

Nehemia: Okay, but what happens in 2044?

Joe: The beginning of the 7th millennium begins.

Nehemia: So, is that the Messiah ruling the Earth?

Joe: Yeah.

Nehemia: Will that be Yeshua, or…

Joe: King David.

Nehemia: King David? Wait a minute, hold on!

Shalom and welcome to Hebrew Voices! I’m here today with Joseph Dumond. He’s the Bible chronology digger, and we are going to talk about President Donald Trump in Bible prophecy. Shalom Joe!

Joe: Shalom Nehemia. How are you?

Nehemia: Joe, we’re recording this in December of 2024, but planning on releasing it just before the inauguration, the second inauguration, of Donald Trump, in January of 2025. And there are people sitting on the edge of their seats wondering what is going to happen with Donald Trump as the president the second time round. Joe, I’m handing it off to you. And not just, what is your opinion? But also, what do you believe or know from Bible prophecy?

Joe: Well, I liked Donald Trump when he was first elected in 2015-2016, when he took office. I thought he was doing pretty good things and making things happen. The second half, I wasn’t that impressed with his quoting a lot of conspiracy teachers out there, so I sort of lost a little bit of faith in him then. I still like the man; he gets things done. He sort of waves his fist over here and everyone’s looking at the fist, but he’s coming around here with a clubhouse and getting stuff done. So, in that regard, I still hold good favor for President Trump, President Elect Trump.

I wrote a book, my very first book, way back in 2009, published in 2010, called The Prophecies of Abraham. In that book I’m showing people Jubilee cycles, and that’s basically all I talk about. So, I showed how the presidency of the strongest nation in the world, the United States, would be taken over by a weak leader. And then it would have a hawk, a very strong leader, come on the world’s scene, and the world wouldn’t tolerate the hawk because they got used to the wimpiness of the United States. Now, I thought that might have been Obama, and now I’m starting to think it might be happening this time around.

Nehemia: If you look up in the dictionary “weak leader”, there’s actually a picture of Joe Biden next to it. Meaning, whatever your politics are, the world laughed at America for four years saying, “We can do whatever we want because this guy doesn’t even know what day it is, and he’s not running the show.” Yeah, that was bad, especially after he announced that we defeated Medicare. Nobody can say now, “Oh yeah, he knows what’s going on.”

Joe: So, we have a world in chaos now because of the weakness of the United States.

Nehemia: And you’re not even American, right? You’re North American, but…

Joe: Canadian.

Nehemia: Okay. We still love you.

Joe: Yeah. Well, Trump just offered to make us his 51st state, so we may get something going.

Anyway, back in 2015, I made this video about Trump… or had this video made about him, and I showed you where we were in prophecy. And at that time, the thing I was trying to point out was the Paris Accord. Now the









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Hebrew Voices #208 – Trump in Prophecy

Nehemia Gordon

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