DiscoverPower EnglishHello, this is AJ. Welcome to the vocabulary lesson for the "Attractor Factor." Now the vocabulary lesson is sometimes a little...not so exciting, right?
Hello, this is AJ. Welcome to the vocabulary lesson for the "Attractor Factor." Now the vocabulary lesson is sometimes a little...not so exciting, right?

Hello, this is AJ. Welcome to the vocabulary lesson for the "Attractor Factor." Now the vocabulary lesson is sometimes a little...not so exciting, right?

Update: 2021-10-16


Hello, this is AJ. Welcome to the vocabulary lesson for the "Attractor Factor." Now the

vocabulary lesson is sometimes a little...not so exciting, right? It's probably the least

exciting lesson, so it's even more important that you breathe and you bring your

shoulders back and you move your body during this lesson.

You have to keep your energy high so you'll focus, so you'll concentrate on the

vocabulary lesson. Are you feeling good? Wake up! Let's do it!

v Our first word is activate (verb is to activate).

And Joe said we don't realize that we are activating the attractor force in a negative

way. Activate really means to turn on. That's all it means. It means something was

off before or something was not happening, something was not working and then

suddenly you turn it on, suddenly it is working. Suddenly it is happening.

So if you activate the attraction force, the attraction power, it just means you turned it

on, right? It was off before now you're turning it on. Now you are causing it to start.

v Our second word is manifestation (verb is to manifest)

A manifestation just means a happening. It means something becomes real. It means

to become real if you're using it as a verb, to manifest. To manifest means to become

real. So, you could say my idea manifested. It became real. Before it was only in

your head, it was an idea.

For example, I have this goal, this dream to speak English well. Then, finally, I speak

English well. You can say I manifested my idea. The idea manifested, it became real.

Before it was an idea and now it's real. So a manifestation is a thing that becomes


All right, he's saying if you focus on these positive things with your mind, eventually

they will become real. They will become real manifestations, real things or real


V Our next word is springboard.

He says that your dreams are your springboard to miracles. A springboard is

something that begins a process, something that causes a beginning or a start. It


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Hello, this is AJ. Welcome to the vocabulary lesson for the "Attractor Factor." Now the vocabulary lesson is sometimes a little...not so exciting, right?

Hello, this is AJ. Welcome to the vocabulary lesson for the "Attractor Factor." Now the vocabulary lesson is sometimes a little...not so exciting, right?

Power English